14▪︎▪︎▪︎Without fear

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"Absolutely not, we just met on the first day. And yeah, I went on a break. I'm not always on the best shape.'' Minho scratched his head.

Hyunjin can't comprehend this man, how easily got his way around Jisung, compared as to how he had to work his way to Jisung for years before finally having the courage to speak up and ask him. It bothered Hyunjin a lot. Jisung was never easy to deal with.

"And believe me, he didn't recognize me at all.'' Minho continued, referring to the time they met almost year ago.

Minho has no reasons to lie. To, Hyunjin, It felt like salt being rubbed into fresh wounds.

Hyunjin couldn't hide his expressions of irritation and went silent. Hyunjin felt a little defeated, He still wondered how it seemed easy for Minho.

It's like an insult.

"And Jisung is incredible, isn't he?''

Hyunjin was snagged out of his thoughts as he heard Minho's voice suddenly complimenting Jisung.

"I mean, He likes to lead.''

Hyunjin ears rang. What's up with people nowadays? This guy is shameless. Hyunjin became more upset, He didn't liked what he heard.

He wanted to punch the smile off of him. He knows what Minho meant and concerned as to how Minho insensitively blabbered about Jisung on that manner. Jisung picks the people he's around with and Minho's completely not it.

"Excuse me?'' Hyunjin held his anger and said, blinking his eyes rapidly as he tried to clarified.

"In bed. '' Minho clarified after sipping his coffee and Hyunjin couldn't take it anymore, he clenched his fist and aimed it on Minho. How dare he, sleep with him and run his mouth about it.

"I'm only speaking facts, don't get mad. there's a lot of people." Minho said in a smile and Hyunjin stopped.

"I was just saying, How lovely Jisung is.''

Hyunjin can't stand this. He bit his lips and decided to throw the punch. The table shook at the force but it didn't happen.

"I can easily make you go away, Hwang Hyunjin.'' Hyunjin stopped once more, still fuming silently. Hyunjin felt his blood ran cold not in fear but in anger.

"Don't test my new found patience. I'm not always generous.'' Minho calmly said, raising his brows.

Hyunjin stood up to leave. As he grabbed his things and hastily moved out of his chair. He doesn't want to digest every single word that came out of Minho's mouth. What does he mean, they already have sex without barely knowing each other, is it a fling? It's a hard pill to swallow. Hyunjin can remember their first night together and the next and the next, He can't imagine Jisung on the hands of that man.

"I don't know what you did, but he's not yours anymore.'' Minho called Hyunjin out, Minho wanted him to be reminded of his place, and he didn't know he succeeded as the boy held the twist and turns of his stomach, as the empty feeling returned the moment he found out that Jisung was gone.

"The only thing I assure you is that the reason as to why he is restless and cries at night is because of you. You shouldn't be proud of that, walking around as if it's nothing.'' Minho waved adding burns to the already stinging injury.

"I knew him better than you.'' Hyunjin stormed off.

"Good. and you know that he hates you." Minho waved goodbye with a smile.

saturnine ♡ Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang