25 ▪︎▪︎▪︎Name, age where do you live

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"Let me carry him, Jisung,  you'll collapse anytime for fucks sake." Chan scolded Jisung as they went up his apartment. They finally got Jisung home along with the boy he's carrying as he called out "42" on the phone.

Chan has to drop everything and luckily he's just at he studio nearby.

You'll never really know what to expect from Jisung. Sometimes he's pure and sweet and most the times... he's just vile. Chan and Changbin took a lot out of them to straighten Jisung out. Turns out that whole first year time span is just him lashing out to every single thing. He preceded over Minho's ugly reputation.

42 was Jisung's emergency secret code for clean up and SOS. It was only for the three of them. That whenever one is in trouble, the others would help. the scope of the matter will only be known by the most trusted within their colors because some of the emergencies could be, big and grand in the scale.

One thing is sure, Jisung never got into the fights because he wants to, but more likely he has to. Jisung always fights, especially in his first year. trouble always awaits him and that he learned to enjoy while he's at it
because people who picked on him just kept coming. He was unforgiving.

When Jisung fell into the zone where he doesn't care for himself, he's usually taken in by his primal instincts heightening up. He literally like a wild animal.

It's been a long time since Jisung got into a fight.

They stood side by side in silence as Chan carried Seungmin like a princess as Jisung repeatedly buzzing on his side and saying gently repeatedly.

Just then Chan noticed that it's not only Jisung who's beaten up, but the one sleeping is also covered up in bruises and noticeable needle punctures on the boys arms. The pale complexion of the two and the fact that this boy has no signs of fighting but all battered up tells him something happened, gravely ill that makes his stomach turn.

Chan doesn't need to ask, to get an idea of what happened.

Chan needs to rally up the black bishops he asked to clean up the gym's shower room quickly and those who called the ambulance, meanwhile, Changbin assisted in persuasion, negotiation and the rewarding process discreetly. Keeping everything.


Normally, People wouldn't dare to even try or raise a hand or disrespect a King, It's usually the King who initializes the ruckus and it's up to the involved color houses majority decisions and meetings would be held.

The system isn't just there for privilege and power but the council disciplines and upholds the school's law. Every house just had a different methods of implementation towards the very same goals to the students.

No matter how much they work, even with them at the top, it's not easy to manage the students and their followings, there's always deviations that results in these types on situation. Percentages of misconducts are lower during their reign, but it still happens day-to-day and their efforts are still not enough.

They rang the doorbell and Minho opened the door in full shock as he saw Jisung looking like a thrown-away old ragdoll raked through a field of mud, battered and torn up. He was speechless as the three went inside hurriedly, Jisung's doctor sitting and greeted Jisung in with a bow.

Minho was bewildered when he let the doctor in before and they chat up a bit as he offered tea. It was a flashback for him.

Minho isn't impressed at all.

"Please put Seungmin down in the bed, and Emma, see him first, he's out in the cold during our whole drive. I'm checking up on him every few minutes, but the side of his head is bleeding when I last checked an hour ago. It's already dried up  "

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