Attempted redemption

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Lena knew that communication was what caused their problems and she wasn't going to go it alone, she needed the help of Brainy, he could scour the CCTV in no time they could track down the drive and get it back before it had the chance to wreak havoc. Lena knew that she couldn't do it alone, she needed to open up, to be honest and to ask for help this was a big step for her and she knew it.

Back in the car she looked at the pictures she had in her bag remembering the day, thinking about all they had done together all they had accomplished if they had been working together they could only do more. She held onto the gift and sighed, she just hoped that Kara would believe her, that she didn't mean for this to happen. She arrived at the door to Kara's flat and opened the door. Kara was smiling brightly at her, clearly she was happy to see her, Alex, Nia, Brainy, Kelly and a very upset looking Ruby also looked up, offering her varying degrees of smiles. As she stepped forward the Television cut through the silence.

Images of supergirl flying saving people filled the screen the words accompanying the images, She saves the world, wants to know us, gets involved with all the things that concern us, but as much as she helps she hides in the shadows, she has no restrictions, the president asked her for one simple thing, her name, in an act of treason she denied him, News at eight National cities number one television station, Supergirl revealed, source Lena Luthor. If it was possible the room seemed more quiet, Kara looked up at Lena, the look in her eyes, hurt, confusion, pain. The atmosphere was suddenly very thick and Lena bolted out of the door.

The image stayed with Kara, who looked back at everyone.

"This isn't her, I know her, she wouldn't have come here if she hasn't forgiven me, if she wasn't willing to try, I don't know what happened but i need to go and find her work this out."

Alex stept forward and placed her hand on Kara's shoulder, looking at her.

"Kara, she is hurt, she hasn't been around since Lex, are you sure, she isn't acting like herself Ruby said she had shouted at her, that isn't Lena, she is always composed what if this was done out of a place of hurt, we need to deal with this not Lena?"

Kara looked at Alex and was about to jump to Lena's defence when ruby cut in.

"No Alex it isn't her fault it is mine, everything is my fault."

Ruby descended into tears and was once again rendered speechless by her inability to breath. She was comforted by all of the women trying to encourage her to breath and to speak.

The vision shifted to Lena who was on her way to the television studio, she knew the owner, he was on the board of LCorp, Edwin Johnson, she didn't trust him she didn't like him but she hoped that she had some leverage that would get her what she needed. Lena got out of the car and headed to the office. She needed to speak to him, the security wouldn't let her through as she was not there with an appointment, eventually she dropped her full name and told them to get him down here.

Johnson arrived and looked at Lena, he smirked he had always detested her, she changed the company shelved ideas that would have made him wealthy and was always giving away things, money sponsoring charities all with money from LCorp. She walked over with a grin on his face.

"Lena , Nice to see you thank you for the information although I initially thought it was strange that you wouldn't publish it with CATCO but I can see that would be a conflict of interest."

Lena raised a brow and looked at him. She hadn't given him anything she had no idea how he got the drive but it definitely wasn't her. Someone was setting her up, but why, what would outing Supergirl achieve? Lena started to think, if a Luthor was the one to bring down the heroine she would be welcomed into the anti alien movement, was someone trying to get her to join? Her mother maybe but considering how close Lena and Kara had been that would have the opposite effect, she was seen too much with her. Were they trying to go after Kara and her friends? Was there something that they wanted to accomplish that needed the super distracted. Lena was thinking it through, she was Kara's boss and friend if anyone could confirm this and give credence to the claim it was her, that would mean Kara couldn't make a move without being seen, she would either have to admit it, or not be supergirl for a while

"I am not your source and the item you have is LCorp property and I want it back right now. I have no desire to get Lawyers involved with this but I will if needed"

Lena wanted to see if he would back down easily after all he had always been spineless at board meetings, he wasn't one for direct confrontation,more working in the shadows, Lena figured that someone else was behind this but she couldn't work out who, there was a piece of the puzzle missing.

"I have been given information, a file I have nothing here that is LCorp property and by the time that you get anyone here to look the show will have aired, you think that you can stop this going out now? Did you have a change of heart Lena, the information came from you"

Lena looked at him, she knew that she was right with all her money and influence. She only had two hours and it was Christmas day, there was no way she could get an injunction. She needed another option.

"You may be right but you can not use my name, I have not given this to you and if my name is connected with this information it is fraudulent, I will sue you and take everything you have"

Lena knew that he was not above using unsourse material, and that may only get her detached from the scandal but she hoped that it would make him think twice.

"Lena, if you think that I have not ensured that this is legitimate you are mistaken, and remorse is not good enough for you to litigate against me, you must be pretty desperate for this not to be shown. Your reaching"

Lena had nothing, she couldn't think everything was too much, she needed to be able to find something else the only person that had information on him was Lillian. He had never been this confident someone was definitely telling him what he would be up against. She would have to see her mother, and this was not something that she wanted to do right now. The only thing that she knew about Johnson is that he was driven by money.

"I am telling you now, if that air's not only will you lose your place on the board but I will ensure that you are held accountable for this. I will ensure that you are cut off, you need to make the right choice, sensationalism that will be disproved and you will pay for, or your financial security, it is your choice i will not waste anymore time trying to appeal to your better nature, I will go visit some friends and get that injunction."

Lena left and headed to Lillian.

It's a wonderful life, Luthorजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें