The good Luthor

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Clarence watched as Lena showed Kara the alien detection device and how Kara made her change her mind about it, helping her to choose a better path, and then Lena helping her to save Jonn at the fight club. Filling Kara's office with flowers, then he watched as Lena hatched her plan against the men with the alien weapons. Lena had also organised potstickers for Kara and Clarence smiled.

"Are you enjoying the treat I arranged to thank you for coming Kara?"

With a mouthful of potstickers Kara looks up to see Lena in the black dress with the floral flowers stitched into it, and her hair pulled back so tight highlighting her jaw line and that beautiful smile, her brow raised. Kara's mind went blank and she just stuttered out something about them being so good.

"I know that I have already asked you for a favor, and well more than one actually but would you do something else for me? I need tonight to be a success and currently it is feeling a little well stuffy"

Kara looked at her and the moment her eyes caught Lena's she couldn't refuse her, the woman's face was so open and bleeding, her eyes shining and the small smile on her scarlet lips.

"Name it, I will do anything I can to help Lena, your doing something wonderful here"

Lena led her over to the area where people should be dancing and smiled. Kara realised that she was being taken away from the potstickers and grabbed one more and she followed Lena.

"Please do me the honor Kara"

Kara blushed and held Lena as they slowly started to move together, there was nothing fancy in the dancing just slow swaying to the soft music being played. As they danced, other people started to join in. Lena smiled softly and looked into the Azure orbs looking back at her. Lena's breath hitched, her eyes were out of this world so clear so blue, they were like iridescent pools of water found on a deserted island.

"This is um, well it is lovely Lena, you are really making a difference here, raising money, I know um, that you could probably donate the money yourself, but your raising awareness, making people care, that is an amazing thing. Are you not worried about the gang though?"

Lena continued to move around the floor heading back to where she had first picked Kara up, everyone now happily dancing, drinking and eating. She smiled and blushed lightly, she wasn't used to people praising her.

"Well thanks to you Kara, I have been ensured that there will be a hero close by, so I think that the people are safe, and well I feel sorry for any gang that chooses to take on a prepared Luthor"

Lena raised her brow smiling and dropped Kara back at the potstickers, thanking her again for coming and excusing herself to mingle, she needed to be prepared. Fixing the black field generator just in time to stop the gang and rendering their weapons useless they were easily captured by Supergirl , and arrested by Maggie. Although they were never put away. The scenes move on to attacks on LCorp and visits from Lillian, supergirl saving Lena and Lillian trying to get the isotope that was needed. Lena not only stopped her but put her away too. She was finding all the publicity difficult, once again she was putting away a member of her family. Kara concerned about Lena went to see Lena at LCorp.

"Lena , I just wanted to check on you, I am sure today was hard, but you know you saved a lot of lives today."

Lena looked at Kara, it was amazing that someone could care for her and about her enough to come and check on her, she had never had a friend like this. Kara was fast becoming very important to Lena and it scared her.

"Well everyone is just waiting for me to be the one on trial, for me to be the Luthor they expect and its draining, and so hard to keep fighting against it, I may have helped save the aliens but I am being painted as the ruthless person who turns their back on her family to get ahead."

"Lena that isn't true, you have so much strength so much courage, you are an amazing woman and thanks to you the world is a safer place I don't think you realise the impact you have on those around you, your kindness and courage are what sets you apart from the rest of your family. Just remember you are not just a Luthor, you are Lena first, and she is extraordinary"

Pulling Lena into a hug she settled her down on the couch and like Alex has always done for her she slowly rubbed circles into Lena's back, they spoke some more until Lena fell asleep on Kara's shoulder. Lena slept for a little while and then woke to her phone going off. She was a little embarrassed but Kara was so sweet, she even talked to her and convinced her to visit her mother. As always her mother got to her and she ended up telling her she was a lonely loveless old woman and would be better off dead. That visit put Lena in the place at the time her mother needed which ended with Lena being arrested the next day and kidnapped. It was then that Lena finally learned that she was indeed a real Luthor, after supergirl had returned her to the city Kara visited.

"Thank you Kara, I can't believe you sent Supergirl to get me, I just don't know how to thank you, it's been a hard day, maybe I could get take out and you could stay for a while."

They ate and talked for a while, Lena finally opening up a little to Kara.

"It turns out I am a Luthor after all, I think that scares me more than when I was seen as a luthor but wasn't, I mean Lillian is crazy in her own right, but my father was an alcoholic and not very nice, Lex well you know that he is a Psychopath, He had two bad parents and well I can't help but think that the Luthor genes will be the ones that take over, I only had six years with my mother"

Kara smiled and took Lenas hand, her heart rate increased as did the Luthors, she blushed able to hear their hearts both racing, she wasn't sure what it meant, she placed her hand on Lena's chin raising her face and looking into her eyes.

"Lena, Luthor by name or blood makes no difference to me, I believe in you, you do everything alone, always with the best intentions, but you don't have to be alone, I am here for you."

The day that Jack died Lena had to face an uncomfortable truth, she chose to let Jack die over supergirl, she just couldn't allow the super to die not after she saved her so many times. It also forced the realisation that she had loved Jack but she had never been in love with him, she knew right in that moment that she needed to save the super but if the choice was her or Kara the response would have been different. The feeling was confirmed later that day when Kara visited her. Lena wanted to tell her she had feelings for her, but chickened out, after all Kara was with Mike, she wouldn't love her back, she didn't want to ruin that, she had never had someone like Kara in her life and when she said she would always be there Lena's heart melted.

They continued to joke about her Luthor genes and meet up, Lena called her to ask advice about Rhea, unfortunately Kara wasn't available and she chose to help the woman. The result was an invasion, and Lena hated herself, her good intentions causing pain to everyone, she managed to correct her mistake just in time, and used her family money to help rebuild the city. The one thing she couldn't do was rebuild Kara's heart. Lena tried to be there for her but Kara was vacant, she wanted to help her but she couldn't she must blame her for the loss of her boyfriend and why not it was after all her fault, she had traded her happiness to correct a mistake she had made and as always with the Luthors it was the collateral damage they caused that was the problem. If Lena could have taken that pain she would have.

It's a wonderful life, Luthorحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن