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It's hard to remember the time before they came into power, before the world had crumbled to the ground in defeat, before our time on earth was changed as we know it.

It was years ago, when it happened. The final year, they had called it in the international broadcast, the final year we were allowed to live. The final year before the cleansing.

But what was the cleansing? No one at the time knew exactly what that meant. But that was, until, that day children began being ripped from their houses and their families.

Children wailed for their parents who were being held back as they watched their dearest offspring be ripped out of their lives right before their eyes.

They were killing off everyone of the age of 18 and under. 

Sanctum, as they called themselves, decided that the density of the population was too much, that the children were a burden on society. They were the reason the world was the way it was. They were the reason for death, pain and suffering. Illness, fights, and disasters.

And among their many other decisions made during the beginning of their reign, killing was one of them.

It started at 3 am on day 346 of year zero. The young ones who had not yet reached the age of one were taken in the night. Parents awoke to their young ones missing. Newly born babies were ripped from their mother's arms, wailing for the gentle touch they needed.

But no one could stop it. It dragged on, and on. Each day, a new age was taken. And for those 19 days, 3 am was called the hour of terror.

Parents tried to fight it, hell, everyone did. But it was no use. Every night at 3 am, children were marched down the road.

And at 4?

Gun shots rang off in the distance.

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Quick Author's note: This story will contain triggering content! Such as

Graphic Violence

Mentions of Torture 

Phycological illnesses: Anxiety and Paranoia

Sexual Assault


If any of these things are triggering to you, please do not read this story!!

Nighted ☆ Sanctum Series | Haikyuu |Where stories live. Discover now