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Rated mature for harsh themes.

Please be advised.


I SAT HUDDLED in the corner of our metal Hell. The room was cold, enough to make us all shiver if we sat still too long.

I wiggled my toes just to make sure I still had feeling. My legs shook as I pressed them close to my chest to preserve body heat.

The thin sleep shorts and tank top didn't help my situation at all. I curled into the wall as it heated with my body. At one point, I thought about huddling with someone, but I didn't trust anyone.

All around me, I could hear whimpering and crying. I learned quickly not to make noise, it only brought attention.

Attention was bad here. It got you taken or beat, sometimes both. It was better to remain as unseen as possible.

There was a hissing sound and the door opened. Four men walked in, two of them holding what looked like guns, while only one of the others held a flashlight.

The one with the flashlight looked around the room, searching. I cringed back when the light passed over me, thankful he kept going.

Suddenly, the light came back to me and he chuckled. He said something in a language I didn't recognize and the empty handed men came towards me.

I refused to show any emotions, but I couldn't stop the tears from filling my eyes at the biting pain in my arms.

The light was still on my face and I couldn't see where I was going. At one point, I caught a brief glimpse of another girl.

She was being dragged back; her head hung forward, her clothes were bloody and ripped.

I looked away quickly and focused on the ground. I tried looking up at my capture, but he shoved my head away.

I wanted to see the face of the bastard who took me from my home. A sudden sharp pain on my face startled me, making me jerk back. He started yelling something, but I couldn't understand him.

I shook my head, "I-I don't understand." My voice was hoarse from lack of use. There hadn't been a reason to talk before. Talking just got you beaten.

Another punch to my face made my head whip to the side. My face was hot and my neck was on fire, but I didn't complain.

I'd rather take the beating than let some other poor girl take it. I had seen some of the things they had to endure.

I even watched, helplessly, as one girl killed herself.

Another door opened and I was tossed to the floor. My knees hit first and I cringed at the sound of bones cracking.

The door opened once more and they all left. I stared at the floor for what felt like forever.

When I lifted my head, I almost screamed. In front of me, sitting on a lavish throne, was a creature.

Now, I say creature because I had never seen anyone with blue skin before.

I am also one hundred percent sure that these people weren't human.

This guy had dark blue skin, with darker patches around his eyes and chest. He wasn't wearing a shirt, which gave sight to all his battle scars.

He had on a pair of black, leather pants and black combat boots that laced to his calf.

Sitting down this guy looked huge. Since he wasn't wearing a shirt, I could see all his toned muscles. I trembled slightly as he just continued to stare me down.

He looked like he wanted to crush my skull between his fingers.

I trembled at the thought.

"What makes you tremble so, Earthian?" His voice was deep and raspy, it sent a small shiver down my spine. I didn't reply and I was worried it would offend him and make him kill me.

I was confused as to why he knew my language, but I didn't question it. He probably knew every language in the world, plus the ones from wherever the hell he was from.

I continued to stare at the ground, slightly afraid to glance up at his face. I heard rustling and I forced myself to stay still.

There was a scrape of metal on metal and I jerked in surprise when I felt something cold under my chin.

He lifted my head and I was forced to look at him.

I was shocked to find a pair of gold eyes staring intensely at me. He was holding a sword to my throat, scanning my face with his golden gaze.

"My name is Commander Yero." He studied my face for a few more seconds, then took a step back. He dropped the sword from my throat and sheathed it behind him.

He sat back down and leaned forward, putting his elbows on his knees. "Do you have a name, or shall I call you Slave?"

It was then I realized I didn't remember my name. I looked everywhere but at him and this seemed to anger him.

"Look at me when I speak to you," he stood again and walked towards me. My breathing picked up when I saw the cold, calculated look on his face. He grabbed my throat and picked me up with one hand.

He squeezed and I clawed at his hands, trying to get some air in my lungs. The cold look on his face never left as he kept squeezing my throat. I scanned his face and noticed every little detail.

He had a small scar on the corner of his eye.

There was a freckle in the corner of his lip.

His hair was black and hung to the floor in a tight braid.

I felt my eyes flutter and I forced them to stay open. I had a sudden idea and knew it would probably get me gutted but it was better than being strangled by this giant's hands.

I swung my legs with what little energy I had left and kicked him in between his legs. He grunted and dropped me.

I didn't hesitate. As soon as I hit the ground, I forced myself to stand and run. He roared behind me and said something in a different language. The door opened with a hiss and two men rushed in.

I could barely see and a single tear spilled down my cheek in fear. I whirled around and watched all three men close in on me. I spun in circles and held my hands out, hoping they would stop.

If they decided to kill me now, there would be nothing stopping them.

Just as I had accepted the fact that I may die in the next few seconds, the whole room shook and the lights went out. Covered in complete darkness, I took this chance to escape.

The door hissed open and Commander Yero started yelling things. I didn't care to wonder what they were, I just ran. I dodged between two more men coming in the door.

They didn't even notice I was there. The door closed without a sound and I was left alone in some sort of hallway. I could hear Yero screaming in the room but I ignored it.

The hall was bathed in a glowing red light, flashing on the ceiling. I didn't know which way to go. On one hand, I could go back to the room I was in before I met Yero.

On the other hand, I could find out what happened and get the hell out of here. All I had to do was find someone willing to help me escape.


This is my first sci-fi book, be nice you freaks.

Hopefully you all liked the first chapter, if not, then you're missing out because I have a lot planned for later on.

Please, don't forget to vote, leave me some comments, tell me what you think.

Stay freaky ;)

-Z. B. Row

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