Chapter Fourteen - Brother VS Sister

Start from the beginning

I was back in the room where I changed my clothes. I was relaxing my sore body after finally getting through my last match with my opponent. I was waiting to hear an announcement to call me back to the fighting stage to go against my final opponent. I realize that I haven't heard or saw my 'brother' in this place.

Before I could think more about that I heard a ring that was telling me it was time for my final match. Putting a hand over my magic stone once again, I calmed myself and left the room. For some reason, it felt like people were staring at me as I went to the fighting stage.

It felt like a mixture of pity and mockery. I couldn't understand why this was happening until I finally arrived at the fighting stage. The person standing on it was my 'brother'. He had the same outfit as me but his outfit was blue instead of black.

He didn't have his glasses on as he looked at me with cold green eyes. I could feel the air get tense as we both just stared each other down. Even though I was looking back with cold eyes as well I felt my heart was twisting painfully in my chest.

"Huh, I am surprised you actually made it this far, little sister. I thought you would be out in the first round but you actually surprised me." Erik broke the silence with a cold tone. He gave me a snarl as he gave me a disgusted look.

I could only bite my tongue as he spoke coldly to me. I could taste blood appear in my mouth as I did this but I knew I couldn't say anything even if I tried. It felt like there was something in my throat that prevented me from speaking back to him.

"Can't even say anything to me... No matter. I will make sure you won't be saying anything for a while when I am done with you." Erik gave me a cold smirk and before I could do anything I was hit with a spell.

"Gutta pluvia! (Rain drop!)" Many shots of water attacked me quickly and I was sent flying across the fighting stage. I let out a gasp when I violently hit the ground. I could see that Erik was going to attack me again so I quickly cast a spell.

"Palmam umbra! (Palm shade!)" A huge wall of shadow in the shape of a hand appeared in front of me. It slapped back the water that was coming towards me and aimed it back at Erik at full force. This was a new spell of mine where I could have a huge hand slap back any spells to the caster.

Erik quickly slapped away the water that was coming toward him and started to mumble something quietly to himself. The air grew cold and I could see my breath appearing in front of me. I realized that something bad was going to happen soon so I got up from the ground quickly.

"Ice tela nequissimi! (Ice darts!)" Erik threw frozen water that was shaped like needles towards me. I ran across the stage trying to avoid the attack but I still managed to get hit in my right shoulder and left leg.

For some reason, it felt like something bad was happening to my body once that happened. It felt like a burning sensation was going through the area that was just hit by those frozen needles.

"Just something you should know. Those needles can cause frostbite. I would be worried if I was you, Aurelia." Erik had a cold smile on his face as he threw more frozen needles at me. I quickly cast my Palmam umbra (Palm shade) again but the frozen needles thrown at Erik were just destroyed by him.

I was going to summon a shadow servant behind him but I felt myself step into a puddle of water. Looking down I was surprised to see a huge circle of water under me. Looking at Erik he gave me an empty smile before casting a spell.

"Aqua carcerem! (Water jail!)" The water that was under my feet quickly surrounded me and I was lifted in the air in a sphere of water. I quickly gather air when I realize this was happening but looking at Erik I knew I wouldn't be able to hold my breath forever.

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