14 Years Later

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Dread stirred in my stomach as the train pulled into Kings Cross. The students started to file out of their compartments and into the aisle as they dragged trunks out of the overhead compartments. They were laughing and talking in excited voices about what they were going to do this summer. I just say in the corner and glared at the floor. I couldn't stand looking at the glass door that lead to the hallway and I couldn't bring myself to look out the window and face the inevitable.

More quickly then I would have liked, the hallway emptied of students until I was the only one left on the train. I reluctantly got up from my seat and went into the hallway to collect my trunk. I slowly made my way to the exit. When I stepped outside, I a hand grab my neck from behind and before I could turn around to see who it was, I felt the sickening feeling of side-along apperation.

When my feet touched solid ground again, I collapsed to the floor as I tried to control my impulse to retch up everything I had eaten on the train.

"Stand up You insolent boy!" a voice hissed from behind me.

I turned my head around and my eyes met the the cold ones of my father.

"I said stand up!" he yelled.

I watched as his cane made its way towards me. When it came into contact with my shoulder I felt a sharp stabbing pain which I knew was due to the head of his cane that was made to be all sharp angles for this purpose alone.

"Pathetic!" he snarled as I stood up on shaky legs, "a pathetic excuse for a son!"

"I'm sorry Father" I said, barely more then a whisper.

"Get out of my sight!" he sneered.

I stood their in shock. What, no crucio? No beating?

My father noticed my hesitation. "When I tell you to do something, you do it." he hissed as he grabbed the back of my neck and forcibly walked me to my room. He lead me to my door, opened it, then threw me in. As I pulled myself off of the floor I heard the deafening click of the lock and my fathers footsteps as he walked away.

I looked around my room, nothing had changed since last summer. It was barely a room at all. it was the same size as the storage closets at Hogwarts, in fact, I'm pretty sure this was a storage closet before I moved in. I don't have a proper bed, just a blanket and some balled up cloth that I use as a pillow. The only light I have is the light streaming in from the crack under the door. The only time I'm able to leave is for meals and my fathers daily beatings.

When I was eleven and went to Hogwarts, the first thing I did was get one of the Weasley twins to teach me how to pick locks the muggle way. Almost every night, I sneak out and explore the manor. Tonight was no exception.

I made my way down to the kitchens, every summer I explore a different part of the manor. I only give myself about 15 minutes each night, so that I have less of a chance at being caught. When I stepped inside the kitchen, I couldn't help but go over to the cabinets to get some food to keep in my room to make up for the pitiful amount of food I'm given here. I opened one and to my surprise, I found a meal already laid out on a plate. I could tell by the small amount of food that this was meant to be mine, but why would me food be made a day in advance. I took a slice of bread off of the plate and cautiously raised it to my nose. It smelled a bit different, but I could tell that it used to be a lot stronger, by the time I'm supposed to receive it the smell would probably be completely gone. I opened the cabinet under that one and there were rows and rows of small vials. I took on out and opened it. the smell that wafted out made me gag. it was like what I smelled on the bread but a lot more concentrated. I quickly put the stopper back on and was about to put it back before I froze. Whatever this was, my father is giving it to me in my food. making a quick decision, I put the small vial in my pocket and decided to see what it was when I went back to Hogwarts.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2016 ⏰

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