Update about what's happening with this book *Important to know*

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Hey guys... And before you freak out, I am fine, I don't have covid, I am safe, and this story will be continuing!

Before you attack me for not updating much for I don't even know how long anymore, and that the next update is this, please listen.

I've been thinking about this for a while, and re-read my book enough times to finally understand what's been bothering me about it, which happen to be many things, but the main one is that it's going too fast for my liking. The story line that ended up happening (since I'm made it up as I went (and I still am)) didn't seem to make much sense for me, and the fact that I had a bunch of A/Ns and/or not-chapters in between the actual story line really bothers me. Well, that and the fact that I feel incredibly disorganized with how I'm doing things right now.

So, this is what I plan on doing (when I have a whole weekend for myself) is this:

1)Make an A/N book and transfer/write all my author notes/rants in there instead so it won't interrupt the story chapters/bore you all with how I feel (this will update whenever something happens, because I know that not a lot of people read A/Ns or the feed thing in my profile, so if you want to know stuff I guess that's where you'll hopefully find answers. If not, comment, and I'll answer you once I get a break)

2)Transfer my Q&A into the already existing Q&A book, and edit it a bit since that was also bothering me (and some others) for a while now.

3)Edit the chapters and somehow majorly change how it goes/slow it down a bit. You might also want to expect a longer chapter one, and maybe actual chapter titles/names, but I'm absolute trash with things like that, so we'll see. (Also maybe pictures if you want me to, I stockpiled on so many-)

Then finally:
4) (Somehow) Unpublish all the chapters (minus this one(I still really don't know how to do this-)), and transfer and edit each of them respectively.

Also, (and I really need some votes or suggestions or litterally anything to help make up my mind), should I keep the original version of these chapters here (and not edit it probably, just keep it for the sake of remembering I guess?), and make another book for the rewrite? Or just replace them all with the new chapter rewrites that I have yet to make? (and don't worry, they should be finished faster than making it up on the spot)

Also... I think there was something else, but I can't remember what it was... (it'll probably come back to me later). Anyway, if something was unclear, or if I missed anything, just comment, and I'll answer asap. If you have any suggestions, or thoughts about this please let me know, I'm trying to make this so that it's generally better for everyone, and it's hard to know if someone's against this or something along those lines if you don't say anything. Especially considering that I can't see your reactions.

A basic summary: comment what you think, and if this works, or if you have any suggestions at all, please tell me. It'd be a big help if you do that, and I'd be really grateful.

This will be staying up here for a while, at least until I get a reasonable amount of views/comments to help me decide what to do, and how the heck I unpublish a chapter without deleting it completely-


So, yeah. This is definitely staying for a while. Probably forever if my lazy, procrastinating self has anything to say about it.

Hope to answer you guys soon!

See ya!

(P.S.: Also, quick question, how many of you actually experienced being in a cuddle pile? 'Cuz I've been reading about the not-so-evil sanses cuddling Nightmare to death (which honestly makes my heart explode everytime it happens and I have to go back to read it over and over again), but then it made me realise that I've never actually experienced something like that. And that it's most likely never going to happen considering the pandemic. But yeah, just curious as to who actually experienced something like this before. Thanks for reading all the way down here, I really appreciate it.)

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