meet singing busts

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Next day at camp everfree

Rainbow and the girls fixing the dock for their camp gift while daisy playing her pet at the table with a cat treat on her hand.

Daisy: "okay pearl, stand up."

Pearl begin stand up with her legs and waiting for daisy next trick.

Daisy: "due a front flip."

Pearl: "vee vee."

She due a front flip and landed on her feet on the table to amaze daisy.

Daisy: "way to go pearl."

She give a cat treat to pearl for doing a amazing trick and petted on the head and suddenly flash sentry and drama letters show up at the table with them.

Flash: "hey kiddo."

Daisy: "hey uncle flash, aunt drama."

Drama: "you wanna go fishing with us near the dock."

Daisy: "sure, I love to."

Suddenly they hear singing inside the forest just far from them.

Daisy: "is that singing?"

Flash: "I believe so, kiddo."

They decide enter the forest to investigate the song coming from and almost there to hear the singing.

Drama: "we're getting close."

They arrive and see four stone busts on top small pillars that cover in vines that come alive to singing.

Flash: "what the heck?"

Four stone singing busts got done with their singing to see four strangers with scared look on their faces.

First bust begin to speak, "hello there strangers and don't be scared of us, we're friendly spirits inside the busts for years and love to sing." "Oh, where's my manners, I'm rolo rumkin and this my relatives."

Bust #2: "🎵hellllo."

Bust #3: "🎵helllo."

Bust #4: "🎵hello."

Trio: "hello."

Flash: "I'm flash sentry and this my girlfriend drama letters."

Drama: "hello."

Flash: "and my niece and her pet."

She give them with friendly wave to become shy front of them.

Rolo: "you wanna stay a bit to hear our song before head back to camp."

Drama: "sure, we love to."

Rolo: "ready gentleman, here we go."

Trio begin to sing, "🎶hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!"

Rolo: "🎵awesome as I wanna be."

Rolo and the busts: "🎶hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!"

Drama become shocked to hear familiar song, "(thought) that's rainbow dash song."

Rolo: "🎵awesome as i wanna be. First see me in a sonic boom got my guitar shreddin' up my latest tune. There's is nothin' you can do to beat me, I'm so good that you can't defeat me."

Rolo and the busts: "🎶yeah, I'm awesome, take caution watch out for me. I'm awesome as i wanna be. (Yeah!) I'm awesome, take caution watch out for me, I'm awesome as I wanna be."

Singing busts: "🎶hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!"

Rolo: "🎵step aside now, you're gettin' in my way I got sick chops you could never hope to play when it comes to makin' music, I'm the ruler you wish you could be twenty percent cooler."

Rolo and the busts: "🎶yeah, I'm awesome, take caution watch out for me, I'm awesome as I wanna be (yeah!) I'm awesome, take caution watch out for me, I'm awesome as I wanna be."

They finish their song and hear clapping from the trio.

Drama: "where you heard that song?"

Rolo: "two campers singing it while camping in two weeks ago, why you ask that?"

Flash: "belong to the rainbooms."

Rolo: "the rainbooms!"

Flash: "that's right."

Rolo: "we want to see them in person."

Drama: "well, they working on the dock for our camp gift so we asked them about to coming here to meet you four tomorrow."

Rolo: "splendid idea my dear."

They bid farewell to singing bust to went back to camp without everyone noticed they gone.

Drama: "they're nice for spirits inside the busts."

Flash: "yeah."

Daisy: "you said it, aunt drama."

[New chapter is out]

appledash chronicles Vol. 1Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora