Meliodas x F! Human! Reader

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|~lostsouls~ I was thinking something like Meliodas saving the reader from a demon and they become great friends. And maybe a scene where they display their trust in one another somehow?|

You screamed as you only just jumped out of the way of your crumbling house. Only just moments ago you were reading a book while waiting for your dinner to cook and now... Now-!

There was no time to think. Only to run. You grabbed your long dress and held it so that it would be easier to run, you were only wearing socks so the many many rocks and pebbles on the ground felt like agony on your feet.

As you thought you were getting further away you quickly turned your head back to see the monster that was chasing you. You wished you never knew, it was a terrifying demon that looked to be around 20 feet tall.

You should of never turned your head, as the next thing you knew you had tripped over your dress, making you quickly fall onto the rough, stone ground.

You tried to at least crawl away, but it wasn't enough as you felt a large scale-like tentacle wrap around your torso, "I WANNA LIVE!! PLEASE!!" You screamed, hoping that at least some part of the monster would understand you.

But alas it didn't listen to a single word of your pleas, you squeezed your eyes shut and just tried to go to your happy place at least one last time but you suddenly felt a pair of arms wrap around you in place of the monster.

You slowly peeled opened your eyes and saw that the tentacle that was previously wrapped around you had now been clean chopped off and a young boy who had bright blonde hair and emerald green eyes was the culprit who was carrying you.

Before you even realised, you were placed on a nearby mountain. Away from all of the chaos, he patted you on your shoulder, "I made a promise not to let a single civilian get hurt, so stay here, kay?" You just nodded silently in shock as he quickly returned to your town to continue battling the demon.

You wanted to keep your eye on the boy but as you looked around you realised that he placed you beside what looked like a bar, after scanning the building you saw that it was called, 'The Bore Hat.'

You wiped away some of the little rocks from your socks before slowly opening the door, revealing a silver haired girl and a pink pig. "Ah! Who...Who are you...?!!"
"Yeah you better tell us or else I'll kick you so far that you'll return back to wherever you came from!"

"A..." You cleared your throat to try and speak easier, "A, uhm, boy said to stay by here...He had blonde hair...And was wearing a red tie with a black jacket...I think..."
"That's Lord Meliodas!" The girl perked up,
"Hey, Elizabeth!! You can't just tell some stranger who he is! For all you know she could be a Holy Knight trying to kill him!!"

The silver-ette, who you were now guessing was Elizabeth, quickly put her hands over her mouth and quietly gasped, "I-I'm sorry Hawk! It just slipped out! I-I just said it before I could realise..!"

"Sorry to interrupt but..." Just as Hawk was about to shout he stopped himself to look at you expectantly, as did Elizabeth, "Why would I want to kill...Meliodas...? His name is? I promise that I'm just a normal person...I've never even hurt a fly..." You explained with a hand on your chest.

The two shared a glance before returning their eyes to you, "Alright missy! But we're keeping an eye on you, so no funny business!!" You nodded with a small smile before sitting onto one of the bar stools.

"Will Meliodas be okay?" You asked,
"Oh! I'm sure of it! He has faced many battles before and he even has some of his friends to help him!" Elizabeth reassured with a smile before she sat next to you.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Nov 19, 2020 ⏰

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