Chapter 13

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Laura sat at Captain Steele's island and starting eating little fruit chunks he cut up. He pointed a knife at her.
"Quit it," he said, but he was hiding a laugh.
"Just remember what I can do with a knife," she said. Kenny had gotten up and sat next to Laura. "So who else did you invite?"
"Smitty, Lucas, Tsion, Mac, my friend Otto Weser, Judd and Vicki, and someone I want you to meet," he said. Laura felt uneasy about 'someone he wanted her to meet.' She popped a piece of grapefruit in her mouth and stared at the pilot.
"Who's Otto Weser, might I ask?" she said. Irene had taken over cutting and Captain Steele was now standing by the sink.
"Great German guy," he said. "It's hard to believe I met him in Nicolae's palace." Laura coughed.
"Hold on," she said. "What?" Ray laughed at her. She rolled her eyes.
"Yeah, you remember when everyone noticed Chang was gone?" he asked and Laura nodded. "Well, he helped us with a rescue operation. I think you'll like him cause he's European like you." Smitty walked in at that moment.
"Just because you're European," he said. "Doesn't make you better than the Asians." Laura and Captain Steele laughed. He looked at them rather seriously. Ray turned to the fridge and grabbed a bottle of fancy wine. He got out six glasses for now and poured them. He handed them to the 'adults' and he gave Kenny milk. Laura just stared at her glass. Ever since she had started drinking in her previous years, she refused to go near beer or wine or even champagne. She pushed her glass away and Captain Steele looked at her.
"I'm sorry Laura." He said, taking away the glass.
"You didn't do anything wrong," she said. "I did." A hand swept up her glass and she saw Mac. Laura remember last night when Mac had interrupted she and Roberto's special moment. The thought of her fiancée made her feel warm inside.
"You little sneak," he said to Laura. She looked up at him.
"What?" she asked. He grinned.
"Where'd you get that ring?" he asked, a smile crossing his face. Everyone was looking at her and like Nicolae she controlled her facial expressions.
"Roberto gave it to me," she said. "He had it special made for my 21st birthday but he said he couldn't wait that long."
"He likes you doesn't he?" Smitty grinned. She glared at him.
"No he doesn't." She lied. Judd and Vicki were now in the room. Judd... her sworn enemy.
"Course he doesn't like you," Judd said. Vicki tried to cover his mouth but he kept it away. "You're you."
"That's enough Judd," Captain Steele said.
"I'm just sorry that the only love you got was Nicolae, and that was all fake." Judd beamed and Laura jumped for him successfully tackling him. Somehow, God was letting these two hate each other. Laura started yelling and didn't realize what she was saying... she didn't even mean for it to come out right then and there.
"Roberto does love me! You insensitive little witch!" she shouted. "And I love him back with my life! I think you're just jealous because I'm happy and you hate seeing me like that!"
"Doubt any of that's true," Judd uttered.
"Then why would someone who doesn't love me, ask me to marry him on the spot!" Laura covered her mouth after what she had said. Buck and Chloe had raced downstairs after Laura tackled Judd, and the others had slowly arrived. But everyone was there for that part. Judd beamed at her. She slapped him across the face.
"I hate you, Thompson." Laura sneered and stood up. She had eyes all over her.
"What did you just say...?" Mac was obviously confused as was everyone else. Laura sighed and leaned on the island. She put her head in her hands.
"Look, Roberto and I had a chemistry we never thought we had," she said. Tears were at her eyes, but she refused to let them fall. "You see, he's loved me since we met and I confess that I have too. He just couldn't stand not having me as his girlfriend, so to make sure I would be, I was asked the burning question." Tears poured from Laura's eyes and she had a hand on her back, but shook it off. She saw Judd roll his eyes.
"Don't you get it Judd!" she screamed. "You're upset because I actually have someone who cares for me, and you lied. Nicolae's love was all real. He was the best father, apparently better than yours and God kept reminding me that he cared. And the worst of it is, I fell for his many tricks! And then you showed up in my life, you-you-you cheap little 'cotra!'" Everyone looked at her in surprise as she had changed her last word to Romanian.
"Look Laura I can help." It was Arianna.
"No you can't!" She screamed. Arianna shuddered and Laura ran out the front door. She sprinted to wherever, and eventually she got tripped by a foot. The person obviously wasn't paying attention and Laura's back hit the pavement.
"Oh my gosh!" It was Roberto. "Laura, I'm so sorry! Are-are you okay?" His voice was caring as he sat her up. She shook her head and buried her head in his shoulder. He stroked her hair.
"What's wrong?" he asked.
"Judd Thompson," she uttered under her breath. "Roberto, I'm so sorry. I got so angered by him that I spilled." Roberto looked sympathetically at Laura and smiled at her.
"It's not your fault, babe," he said, very sweetly. He stood up and helped her up. "Now I just gotta beat the living crap out of Thompson." He began fast walking in the direction of Ray's house and Laura had to jog to keep up with him. He grabbed her hand and placed the ring on her correct hand, correct finger. When they arrived, Roberto opened the door and made a beeline for Judd, who was sitting on the couch. Everyone was surprised that he had entered. Laura was still attached to him, but let go when he approached Judd.
"You think you can just pick a fight with Laura? You've been doing it since you met her!" Roberto shouted. "You're a cheap little cotra." Captain Steele looked surprised as he noticed Laura and Roberto's similar word choice. Roberto punched him square in the nose/jaw.
"Roberto, stop!" Laura shouted. He looked at her, then at his hand, then at Judd. Everyone wanted to make sure Judd was okay and Roberto went to rinse off his hand.
"Roberto." It was Tsion. He shook his head.
"You can tell me whatever you want, you can tell me I didn't handle it right. But I couldn't just sit there and watch Laura get verbally attacked and do nothing about it," Roberto said. Laura gripped his shoulders. He uneasily fell into a chair, inviting Laura to sit on his lap. She did and he rested his chin or her shoulder.
"Look, I was beat as a child," he said. "I always came into school every day with a new scar or bruise. We were young when it started so my teacher and classmates thought I kept falling off things: my bike and the monkey bars." Roberto sighed.
"You don't have to," Laura whispered to him. He kissed her cheek.
"And I got so mad with my parents that I finally decided to go to the authorities," he continued. "I got taken in by this religious family. They were fine with the fact that I didn't believe it, but they loved it that I attended church every week. I eventually decided to become a Christian. We had a party at my house with the pastor and elders and some others. Everyone thought I'd never commit, but I finally did." He smiled. Mac stared at Laura.
"Little Laura Carpathia," he said. "How have you gotten here?" She knew he was referring to her and Roberto.
"I don't even know Mac," she said softly. "I mean the only guys I had in my life were Leon, Nicolae, you guys, and," here she growled, "and Satan." Smitty laughed and she shot him a look, but she laughed.
"I never thought that a girl like you, you know tough, throwing knives, and all you did," Mac said. Laura sighed and stood. A new question was asked and Laura glared.
"What did Nicolae do, like how could you tell me cared?" It was Buck. Laura didn't know how to answer.
"I guess," she said. "His voice for one and his look." Laura paced the floor. "I mean I guess every situation had it's own turn. Why do you people keep asking if he cared?" Chloe stood and put an arm around Laura.
"We just think it's hard to picture a man like Nicolae ever caring," she said softly. "Especially when he was the-the... well you know." Laura nodded and didn't say a word. She wanted to see Nicolae and talk to him, even though it had only been a day. Judd woke up from his slumber and Laura walked out of the house. She knew Roberto followed her out. She stopped and stared at the ground.
"I didn't wanna see him awake," she said. She felt firm hands on her shoulders "I just wanna be alone, you know?" She turned to face Roberto and he smirked.
"With me?" he waited until she nodded to continue. "Then come with me." He walked his usually fast pace and Laura trailed behind. He caught on and grabbed her hand. He pulled along to a private little grove of trees, and in the middle... was a small little house liked he had promised.
"You're desperate," she said. Roberto grinned.
"Yes I am," he said. He guided her into the house and Laura yawned in awe of the place.
"Finally," she said. "We're alone. Just no one, but us." Roberto picked her up and put her on a kitchen counter.
"Yep." He beamed, reminding Laura of Nicolae. He leaned forward to kiss her.

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