Chapter 3

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Laura just stared up at Nicolae. Was this really the loving, caring man she had once knew? Ever since the devil has been in Nicolae, his attitude changed and even the way he spoke changed. Laura heard Leon behind her and he gasped.
"Excellency, what's wrong with her?" he asked. Nicolae shrugged and picked Laura up.
"Why don't you go back and visit that doctor. It seems like you could use the help, but as soon as you're better you had oughta come back," Nicolae told Laura. She left and on the way there, she called Mac. She could barely walk.
"This is McCullum," he said.
"Mac, it's Laura. Please come back to where you dropped me off. I can hardly walk, let alone talk to you. I want you and Ray and the others to know what happened," Laura told him.
"Laura are you okay?" he asked.
"Just get everyone together and hurry and pick me up," she said. She slapped her phone shut and tried to walk a bit faster to the spot where Mac was supposed to meet her. Her legs felt wobbly, her ankle was giving her problems, and the worst of it all was that she would not be healed today. Mac came two minutes later and this time stuck Laura in the front. He sat behind her just to make sure she didn't fall off. When they arrived at Ray's quarters, Smitty was outside to help walk the girl in. Laura looked at everyone who was in the room: Tsion, Rayford, Mac, Smitty, Chang Wong, Ming Toy, Leah Rose, Hannah Palemoon, Naomi Tiberius, Naomi's father, and Chaim Rosensweig. Mac and Smitty placed her on the bed and joined the others on the floor.
"It's true that none of you have heard the way I got saved... right?" Laura asked.
"I'm the only one who's gotten pieces of it," Tsion said. Laura looked at all of them and sighed.
"You might not believe my story at first, but it happened." tears stung at Laura's eyes as she began to speak. Mac put a hand on her shoulder.
"Okay. So one day I get this call from Nicolae's secretary, Krystal, saying that Nicolae wants me to meet him in his office in fifteen minutes. I finished up whatever I was working on, and headed for his office. Krystal let me in and left the door open. I began walking to his desk to sit down, but that's when his office door slammed shut. I turned around awful fast and starting calling out for Krystal. She was sitting outside and wasn't even moving and the door was stuck." Laura took a breather and Mac gripped her shoulder. "I turn around and I can barely see because there is a bright light. After like thirty seconds the light faded and an angel was there looking at me. I freaked out and started banging on the door. The angel came up behind me and told me he was here as a servant to the Most Holy One. His name was Caleb. I started cursing at him and I even tried to attack him, but it was no use. Finally, he grabbed my wrists and slowly sat down with me. I demanded to know what he wanted from me and he said 'My Father knows what's best for you and I am here to deliver it to you.' He really scared me because he went on with the verses and passages and I cursed at him some more. Then he pulled something out of nowhere and handed it to me." Laura had tears coming out of her eyes at this point.
"It's okay." Ray smiled at her. "Take your time."
"It was a picture of my mom... I had never seen her before and I was in tears when I saw her. She was beautiful, but Caleb informed me that she was not on God's side. She was working for the devil," Laura said. "Caleb told me that he didn't want me on the devil's side, but on God's. I could tell he really cared for me because of the look he had on his face. And I asked him, 'How do I come to know the Lord?' And he told me. It took me a while because I was pausing between gasps of tears and heavy breathing. But still Caleb had his hand on my shoulder the whole time. After I prayed the prayer, he told me he could see God's seal on me. He smiled and kissed my head. He left me and I just cried for a good hour. It was like time had frozen during that whole time and after I was almost done with my tears, Krystal threw the door open. I ran out of Nicolae's office and nearly ran into him and Leon on the way out of the palace." Laura looked around and saw Tsion Ben-Judah with tears at the corners of his eyes. Laura looked at the back of the room and saw the Angel, Caleb. He smiled and she smiled back at him with tears still streaming down. He didn't leave the room, but stayed in there and watched over the group. Caleb looked in Ray's direction when he started speaking.
"Must of been hard after that," he said.
"I made myself sick quite literally. I had a fever and stomach aches and I could barely keep my eyes open," Laura told him.
"But God protected you. Got you through it," Tsion said. When he said that, tears fell even faster out of Laura's eyes and she rushed to Tsion.
"I'm so sorry. For everything I've done or said against you!" She cried. "Thank you so much for praying for me when you knew I was close." Tsion hugged her and even cried with her.
"It's okay. I'm just glad you know the Lord now," he said. Caleb smiled at Laura and then he vanished.
"And to this day, I will never forget everything I did to everyone in this room," she said. "Even to those who aren't here. Because I know I was the cause or I helped with their deaths... especially Chloe's." Ray looked fire red when he heard this and he threw Laura against the wall and held her by the shoulders. Mac ran to get Ray off of Laura.
"Now I know it was you who pulled that rope!" Ray shouted. Laura shuddered at his sudden raise of voice.
"It wasn't her fault. Nicolae pressed her into it," Mac said. Laura glared at Mac.
"How did you know that Mac?" Laura demanded, seething through her teeth.

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