Chapter 4

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"We had a guy in the crowd," Mac said.
"But this happened inside," Laura popped back.
"Our man, George Sebastian, made an excuse to go to the bathroom," Mac said.
"Wait... the guy I saved in Greece?! Oh great he owes me more than his life now." Laura shook her head. Mac looked at Laura.
"Why did Nicolae have to put a knife to your throat?" Ray wondered.
"Well he was going to pull the job, but then he made me do it," Laura said. "I told him I wouldn't and that's when he held it to my throat." Laura sighed. Everyone looked at her. Ray looked at her.
"If you think that's bad, you should try and think what it feels like to have no family left!" Ray shouted at her.
"At least you have family!" Laura shouted back. "All my family is burning in hell and yours is having a happy good time in Heaven!" Laura walked out of Ray's house and slammed the door. She threw her Global Community hat on the ground and smashed it. When Nicolae became indwelt by Satan, a crown was placed on Laura's head. She sat down on a rock and sighed. She saw someone sit down next to her, but she didn't acknowledge their presence. Laura lifted the crown on her head and studied it. It was a pure gold crown, but it wasn't like a crown that fits all the way around your head. It was specially designed to fit in the top, middle of Laura's hair. She always had her hair braided and she had thick black hair, with a strange white strip that ran down the left part of her hair. But it looked cooler when it was braided because the white was now all over.
"You seem to be troubled," the person next to her said.
"I am. Life hasn't been easy for me," Laura said. She turned to look at the person and realized it was Caleb.
"Why are you crying?" he asked and Laura realized that she was.
"Can't all of this be over? I've hurt everyone I can," Laura said. Caleb stared at her.
"The race isn't over until we have won, Child of God," he said. Laura looked to the ground and she felt Caleb's arm around here. Laura saw George Sebastian and he walked towards her.
"Caleb... please don't leave me," Laura said.
"I will not leave you, but I may be called to go back," he said. George didn't appear to see Caleb and he sat next to Laura on her opposite side.
"I'm sorry..." Laura said. "I know I saved you in Greece and all and I felt like you owed me your life. But now I don't think it matters."
"I just wanna kill Nicolae because of what he did to you," George said. "I even asked God to give me one shot at him. He told me I wouldn't even make a dent in him, but I was given one shot with a strange green beam. It comes from my hand and it's weird."
"What're you gonna do?" Laura asked.
"Try and kill Nicolae," George said, and with that he got up and walked in the direction of Nicolae.
"I can't let him do that, Caleb! Or can I?" Laura asked. Caleb smiled.
"You're worried that he might actually hurt him aren't you?" he said. "It's your choice. The Lord has need of me elsewhere, so I will see you very soon." Caleb left Laura and she sat for a bit. She called Mac.
"Do you have a dirt bike I could borrow?" Laura asked. Mac said he'd bring it to her and then said he had to meet up with George. Apparently, George wanted everyone there for the show. Mac brought the bike then left Laura with no conversation. Laura jumped on and sped off to where Nicolae was. He was standing on the hood of his Humvee and was talking to Leon. When he noticed Laura, he smiled and jumped off the hood.
"Ah feeling better are we?" he said. Laura just shrugged.
"What makes you think that?" Laura asked.
"Well you kind of gave it away when you approached on a speeding dirt bike by yourself," Nicolae said. And that's when Laura heard what she didn't like.
"Hey! Nicolae!" George Sebastian shouted. Laura saw Caleb and a few more Angels at the back of the crowd. Nicolae looked in George's direction and estimated he was about 45 feet away from him.
"May I ask who is requesting me?" Nicolae asked. George stepped in front of Unity Army soldiers.
"The name is Sebastian," he said. Nicolae laughed and Leon stared at him.
"And what can I do for you?" Nicolae said. George lifted his hand, the one that could kill a person with the green beam.
"Just taking care of what should of happened a while ago." George lifted his hand higher and aimed it at Nicolae. Laura ran in front of him as George shot it.
"No!" she screamed and held up her hand. The beam hit her and she flew backwards a few feet. Laura heard murmuring and people asking what happened. Laura closed her eyes, determined not to give up just yet. Se heard voices over her and opened her eyes. She felt weak, and was in a lot of pain. She could see God through the darkness and someone commanding her to come up. Laura took her last breath on earth and slowly headed for the heavens.
"We've lost her," Leah told Rayford. Tears streamed down Ray's face as he ran from the scene.

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