Chapter 8

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Arianna had made the others sit around her as she told what happened to her, before and after the earthquake. Ray was fascinated to know that she had spent a week thinking about getting the mark. While it was true that Arianna would get judged worse than the rest of the group, Laura would be judged for her character and way of life a lot worse than Arianna. The only difference between the two was who's side they were on.
"So the devil knows you exist?" Mac asked Laura. Laura shrugged.
"Pretty sure and if he does, all I know is that he'll hate me," she said.
"Doesn't he hate all Christians," Ray said.
"Yeah, but you know I used to talk to Satan as a kid," she admitted. "I did it just like the rest of my family." Smitty smiled and sat back.
"There's another mystery," he said. Laura slapped him.
"I was told by everyone that I would grow up to be the perfect child, that I'd have the best life of anyone," Laura said. "And if he's as smart as he thinks he is, he should've known I was a Christian." Mac and Ray laughed.
"What else did you do back in Romania? Where'd you even live?" Ray asked.
"Well I lived in the heart of Bucharest, our capital. In my spare time, I did strength training and played most sports. I'd ride horses from time to time and I'd even run two miles every morning," Laura said. "I was a really smart kid, everyone said it was in my genes. Unlike other kids, I didn't go to water parks during the summer. I traveled the world and when I went to Texas one time, I met Mac. Nicolae took him up as his personal pilot. But I've seen the Eiffel Tower, Buckingham Palace, Statue of Liberty in New York, and more." It was just about noon and they wanted to go to Lucas's house to see if he could spare more food. Smitty knocked on the door, but there was no answer.
"Mr. Lucas, it is Smitty. We visited you last night," he said. Ray looked in the windows.
"It looks like no one's home," Ray said. Laura tried the door and it opened. She cocked her gun and motioned the others in behind her. They heard a dripping sound.
"Lucas!" Laura screamed. The man was lying on the kitchen table, blood dripping from his neck, eyes scared. He had no pulse and Laura cried. Smitty put a hand on her back.
"I'll call Chaim," Ray said. Arianna looked around and came back out to the kitchen.
"You know him well?" she asked.
"Hardly," Smitty answered. "He was a source given to us by our Chief Elder." Arianna nodded, but Laura could still tell she didn't know what that meant. Laura grabbed her by the shoulders.
"I know you'll hate me for this," Laura said. "And everything after, but you need to leave. We don't need you because you don't understand what we're talking about and it's hard to work with you in the way. Just go to the place where Jesus is coming and I'll see you there later." Arianna looked afraid, useless. She walked out and Laura felt Ray's stare on her.
"What was that?" he asked. Laura looked up, but didn't face the rest.
"I've gotta get going," she said. She turned and saw the guys giving each other confusing looks. Laura ran to the door and sprinted down the street. She knew Mac was behind her, she just didn't know how close. She ran behind a building and leaned against it. She was out of breath, and tired. She suddenly saw three screws and a black wrap on the ground. She picked them up and pulled up her pant leg. The screws had fallen out and Jesus had taken the pain away. She heard a voice.
"Children of the Holy One," it said. "Please, come to the specified meeting place." Laura got up and walked in the direction of where the town square was. She was overwhelmed by the amount of people gathered there, and even the Petra residents were there already. Laura fell into the back and stood like the rest. Jesus sat on a stone bench with four angels behind him, and one next to him. Laura thought Jesus looked like people had described: long, brown and flowing hair, brown beard, and a beautiful, glistening white robe. Laura looked around and it appeared everyone had changed clothes. Laura looked at herself. Instead of the Global Community garb, she now wore a black t-shirt, a thin black jacket, black jeans, and had black biking boots. That's what she wore all the time back in Romania.
"Children of the Father," Jesus addressed the crowd. "Today there will be judgements of the evil one, his servants, and their followers. While Michael receives the evil one's servants, come to Me children." Laura didn't know what to do. Jesus smiled and looked in her direction.
"Yours is coming soon," He said to her. Laura smiled and looked down.
"This is cool." she heard. "I mean I don't get to enjoy it, but He's talking to them all at the same time yet individually." It was Arianna. Laura looked up and Arianna had a smile, big as her face, on. She and Laura looked like twins because they had ridden dirt bikes all the time.
"I found out something you'll thank me for later," she said.
"Yeah, and what's that?" Laura asked.
"You do have grandparents!" Arianna exclaimed. "And they're Christians just like you." Laura stared at Arianna.
"Shut up," she said. Arianna shook her head.
"Nope." Arianna laughed. "It's true. And I wouldn't lie to you about something like that." Laura hugged Arianna as tight as she could.
"But I did lie to you about something," Arianna said. Laura pulled back and stared at her.
"What was that?" Laura asked.
"I'm not Romanian. I'm Italian, just like my dad," Arianna said. "Yes I know I've told you that I was born to a Romanian mother, but it was a lie." Laura shook her head. They stopped talking when everyone did because Michael had the evil one's servants. Nicolae was in the hand while Leon was in the other. Laura didn't want to watch what would happen to Nicolae after he was judged. Jesus knew her heart, but she still felt afraid. Jesus looked sadly at the two. Leon half-faced Jesus and Nicolae faced the crowd, hands deep in his pockets.
"Do you know who I am, Leon?" Jesus asked.
"Yes Lord," Leon said. "I always have. Thou art the Son of God, the one True God."
"And now you would speak the same words as thy dear prophet, Simon?!" Jesus said.
"I-I-I- I just..." Leon couldn't finish.
"You have been sentenced to eternal life in the lake of fire," Jesus said, and Laura detected a bit of sorrow in His voice. Jesus turned to Nicolae, and so did Michael.
"As for you, Nicolae," Michael said. "Face your Lord." Nicolae rolled his eyes and shrugged. Michael turned him to face Jesus.
"Proclaim Him as your Lord," Michael demanded. Michael looked to Jesus and He stood.
"Lucifer, leave this man!" He exclaimed. A bright light flashed. Next thing Laura knew, Caleb was beside her, his hands on her and Arianna.
"Come with me," Caleb said. Laura and Arianna followed him to the stage. Arianna ran right up, but Laura was nervous. Caleb grabbed her shoulders and walked her up. The devil, in lion form, looked at Laura and roared. Laura flinched. Caleb bent to her ear.
"He cannot hurt you," he said. Michael grabbed the neck of the lion and kept him from jerking forward. His teeth were huge and his claws were larger than any lion's she had seen. Laura just stood there, trembling. Why was God letting her?

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