12: Dirty sosage

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Dream looked to Ink with a strange look, a look told ink he looked completely insane.
Was ink crazy? No, of course, he wasn't. How would he be?!

Dream cringed at the silence in the room, his eyes darted to the floor to avoid Ink's cold stare. He sighed and rubbed his left arm.

"W-well." Dream hesitated, closing his eyes, he let out a huff, "maybe nightmare would like a cup of tea."

Was dream crazy? Ink asked himself and he tilted he head, watching dream walk away into the front room, where nightmare sat, sulking like a baby.

Ink sighed, putting his arm on to the table to hold his cheek, feeling a slight block in his throat.

He cleared it, or at least tried to, he put his hand over his mouth and coughed again, a sharp pain hit his 'soul', he started to cough harder.

"You alright?" A voice suddenly asked.

Ink looked up, not recognising the voice at first but soon it was obvious who was talking: outer sans.

"Y- yeah." Ink wheezed, cleared he throat and gave a small smile to the other, who returned it warmly.

Ink stood, walking over to the kitchen entrance and soon left the room.

Nightmare and dream just glared at each other, sitting on the opposite of the room of one another.

They both looked annoyed yet silent, ink could tell spiteful opinions lingered in both their skulls.

Ink swallowed before speaking, he could feel the tension tingling his bones like an ice bath. "Soooooo," he commenced, "anyone up for a game of monopoly?"

"NO!" Both brothers moaned in union.
"Besides," dream crossed his arms over his chest, "I would win anyway."

"Are you FUCKING joking?! God, this is why EVERYONE hates you, selfish bitch!" Nightmare snarled, suddenly standing and walking over to the smallest.

"Wow! See, no one likes YOU because of how you're always trying to piss people off!" Dream also stood, walking over to ink and nightmare.
"YOU are the one who ALWAYS fucks around with NO FUCKING IDEA OF WHAT you're DOING!" Dream pointed a finger at his brother's ribs.

"Don't point those dirty little sausages at me!" Nightmare growled making an obvious quotation.

"I'm going to kill you and your family if you don't shut up." Dream huffed.

"Great! Kill yourself then!"

          Well, shit. Just shit. My goal for this book is at least 30 parts so I must accomplish that.
Things have...happened and I'm being tested for mental problems (yay)
I've also lost someone and that sucks.
Also, wish me a happy birthday, in a few days, I'll be a year older.
08/12 (the 8th of December)

You have a glass of water that's filled halfway up.
is it half empty or half full?

ok! Goodnight everybody!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2020 ⏰

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