Chapter 3

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(Picture above is Six)

*(Y/N) POV*

'Ouch my head' I thought as I started coming to. I went to rub my head but realised my hands were tied. All I could remember was being knocked unconscious. 'Oh right now I remember' I thought to myself.


The sound of footsteps get closer to the room I'm in. I start sweating as the footsteps stop right outside the door.


The sound of the door handle as it turned and the door opened.

"Ah, your awake" said a mysterious voice. Judging by the tone I could tell that this person was a female. "We can do this the easy way or the hard way" she stated while walking to the table I was sat at. When she came into the light what I saw sent shivers up my spine.

 When she came into the light what I saw sent shivers up my spine

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(This is who you see)

My eyes widen.

*Caveira's POV*

'So six wants me to interrogate a white mask' I thought to myself while heading to the interrogation room. 'This is going to be fun' I thought as I walked to the door and turned the handle. When I went into the room the only source of light was a single bulb above the table and the light that cam through the door. 

(Room looks like this there is also a table in front)

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(Room looks like this there is also a table in front)

"Ah, your awake" I said while starting to walk forward after closing the door behind me. When I walked into the light her (E/C) grew wide with fear and I swear I saw her body shiver a bit.

"We can do this the easy way or the hard way" I stated standing in front of her. "What do you want from me?" she asked.

I only replied with one thing "Answers" while pulling out my knife.

I only replied with one thing "Answers" while pulling out my knife

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(This is a cosplay replica of Caveira's knife online)

"O-Ok" she replied with a stutter. "I-I'll tell y-you what you w-want to k-know"


*(Y/N) POV*

"Good" the women replied with a sinister smirk starting to appear on her face.

"First question. What is your name?" she asked while toying with her knife. "(Y/N) (L/N)" I replied.

"So, (Y/N) what were you doing with the White Masks?" she asked in a cold tone.

'White Masks' I thought. 'I've never heard of them. Unless she means the people who attacked my college'

"You mean the people who attacked New Callings County College?" I asked.

"So you know them?" she asked.

"No" I replied with a bit of fear in my voice as she slowly started to walk closer to me knife in hand.

"I don't think your telling the truth" she stated while standing right in front of me. "I am" I replied trying to convince her that I didn't know them or knew about the attack.

I screamed as she plunged the knife into my thigh.

"You're lying" she replied still with a sick smile on her face.

"No I'm not" I replied trying not to cry.

"We are going to be here for a long time" she stated as her smirk grew wider. 'Someone please help' I thought as I saw the knife again.

*Timeskip of 4 hours*

I was still sat in the same room covered in bruises and cuts. Some of them stopped bleeding a while ago while some of them were deep and still leaked a bit of my blood.

"Still not going to talk?" the women who's been 'interrogating' me and by interrogate I mean stabbing and slicing me skin until I answered her questions. Even when I told her the truth she wouldn't believe me.

"Caveira, that's enough" said a stern voice from the door. 'So the one who's been stabbing and slicing my skin is called Caveira' I thought.

"But Six-" Caveira tried to say before the women now known as 'Six' cut her off. "I think she is ready to talk to me so please leave the room" Six stated with authority in her voice.

Caveira obliged, walking out of the room, while Six stood in front of my bleeding body.

"Wh-what do y-you want fro-from me?" I mumbled as a result of blood loss. "I have a proposition for you" Six replied stepping forward. "What is it?" I asked. The next thing she said shook me to my core.

"Join team rainbow. You will have food to eat and a place to sleep. All I ask in return is for you to help fight the White Masks" Six stated. 'Why would Six want me? I'm just a not so ordinary girl who just wanted to go to college' I thought.

"Don't Rainbow hate me as I'm a 'White Mask'? Why would they accept me walking around?" I asked. This was to good to be true but I had to know if I was making the right choice. "Yes they hate you" said Six. "But I believe you will be a reliable asset to Rainbow" Six continued.

"So do you agree?" Asked Six.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hey guys Wolfie here. So quick question if Six asked you to join Rainbow would you say Yes or No? 

I would probably say No as I wouldn't want to die but then I would probably feel guilty if I could shapeshift and not help people.

Anyways this is over 800 words long so sorry if it's short. Me and my friend will get this edited and re published soon.

Anyway keep howling.

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