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Maria's POV

As I roam around the castle , as Remington is taking care of some business with his family , i run into Juliet.

"Oh your majesty I am so sorry." I apologize. She just smiles and laughs.

"Its quite alright . no worries .
I am glad I got to meet you personally ." she said and surprised me by giving me a hug. Was still for a moment but I eventually hugged her back.

"Thank you your majesty ." I bowed to her and she pulls me back up .

"Don't bow to me. Your remingtons mate ..your family now. Also please call me Juliette . it irritates me when even my husband Andy "  She said and I blushed.

"Wait the leader of the hybrid is your husband ? Isnt that unm not allowed or something?" She nodded .

"It use to be but in the council we all are basically family  ...we confide in one another and overtime the rules change ..William does what's best for all of us." I nodded .

" Do you really think that they can protect me from..him." She was confused at that.

"What kind of question Is that? "She asked and i kinda instantly regretted saying anything so i just shook my head, hoping the subject can just end right there.

"No...tell me .."She said.

"Well I am terrified Juliet..Terrified that he is going to find me and its going to be ten times worse than before..I can't let him hurt Remington..."I said and I started to cry and  she held me close to her. She then pulls away and makes me look at her .

"Look at me....everything will be ok..Remington is going to protect you, he cares deeply for you...we all do and i promise we all will protect you with our lives."I blushed and hugged her once more and I didn't see Remington behind her.

"Oh hey."I said and she turns around to see him. She goes up to him and they hug. She turns to me one final time.

"I'll see you at dinner...and Remington take care of my new friend."She smirked before diappearing into thin air.

"Damn speeding."I joked and he walks closer to me.

"You heard huh?"I asked and he chuckled with a small smile.

"Yeah I did. Do you think we can talk about something for a minute."

"Sure where?"

"There is this beautiful garden I want to take you too."He said and I smiled, taking his hand.

"Lets go."


Remington's POV

Over the past couple weeks that Maria has been here , I have grown more and more closer to her, her to me too. I have been in love with her for so long. So today I am going to take the chance and ask her to be my mate. When she accepts me , within a few days, she will be in heat and after that we will become one and she'll be connected to me , being mine forever.

When we get there, she is immediately attracted to the black roses.

"These are so beautiful Remington. I always dreamed of seeing a black floral garden."She said and I go over and picked a rose for her and handed it to her, she smiles in appreciation.

"Thank you."She said and i took a deep breath before getting the courage to do what I plan on doing. 

"How are yiu feeling since you have been here?"I asked and she smiles , her blue eyes twinkling.

"I was scared at first...not sure if I should trust anyone here . I hated the supernatural species...mainly because I was abused so badly by one and my father cheated on my mother with a vampire, and my parents were killed by wolves...the parents that i did live with are my foster parents and they despised me from the minute i was there at age 3." My heart ached for her.

"But you changed that remington....and i couldnt be more thankful for thank you.."She said and i smiled, before leaning in and pulling her against my body as I kissed her.

This went on for a while, her dropping the rose as she pulls me even closer to her. When we finally pulled away she holds my face to make me look at her.

"I love you Remington Leith."

"As I love you Maribella Salvatore." She had a stray tear leave her eye which i wipe away before reaching into my pocket, the small black box in my hands , and handing it to her.

"A gift.."She opens it to reveal the royale necklace that I had made for her.

"She opens it to reveal the royale necklace that I had made for her

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"Maria...will you be my mate?"

"Of course..Always and Forever."



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