A true Queen

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Remington's POV

I rushed after maria and I was surprised at her choice. I really thought she would want their freedom for some unknown reason, despite her telling me everything that they have done to her.

"Darling stop!!" I grabbed her arm to make her stop walking and turned her around to make her look at me.

"Remington, I made my decision. I'm not changing it! "She protests.

"I know baby but i am just surprised. Are you alright!" she sighs?

"They need to pay Remington."

"Yes, baby they do! But shouldn't you at least talk to them? Get some closure at least?" She just shook her head and pulled herself out of my grip.

"My love why should i give them that right?! They were the ones that sold me to Reese and that's how i even got into that amount of danger in the first place!!"

"What? that was them? "I asked in just shock and disbelief.

"Yes Remmy...but still.... I think death is too easy. I have an idea. But I can't face them. Not alone."


"Are you sure that this is what you want my Queen?"  My father asked my bride.

"Yes, my Lord. They should suffer just as much as I suffered. We are in a council town meeting and my parents are presented to us.

"Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore. You will be sentenced to life in prison where you will spend the rest of your days in exile! "The guards took them away as they cursed at my bride on the way out.

"My dear. Why don't you go rest? I need to speak to my father alone." She nodded. She kisses me softly before leaving.


Maria's POV

I am wondering the halls until i run into Remingtons brothers. They were smoking a cigarette so i rush over to them.

"Hey Emerson! Do you mind bumming me one?" I asked.

"Anything for our future queen." He hands me a Newport short. I light it and take a deep inhale, exhaling softly before speaking again.

"I appreciate it. this preperation to be queen is very stressful." I say to them.

"Its a big responsibility ." Sebastian said.

"I know. I just hope i can be the Queen this nation deserves." I plead to them.

"You are a pure soul if i have ever seen one. You would make a powerful and caring Queen."Emerson said .

"Thank you boys."I bowed down to them and we continued on our walk around the palace.


end of chapter

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