Death to you mother and father !!

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Maria's POV

"Remmy i dont want to do this."I said and Remington grips my hand tightly.

"We will ALL be there. The council will be there, Me and my brothers will be there and your basically queen they wont be able to go against you either. Keep calm my love. The guards follow you now too. If you want them taken away . you'll have them do just that.. Trust me on that.." Remington calms me down and after a few deep breath I nod in reply. 

"Alright I'm ready."I said and we entered and everyone bowed at our presence but my "Parents" didnt do anything at all. They just scoweled at me.

"Introducing the future queen and king of London England." The main guard booms and it makes me flinch. Queen? That has a erotic ring to it.

Me and Remington walked past my parents and went to stand by William, where the guards have my parents held in front of him. The room grows quiet as King William speaks and we all grow silent.

"Mr and Mrs. Salvatore you are hereby trialed for human mate trafficking, Reckless endangerment , theft, fraud...How do you plea?"William asked and i just couldn't believe the next words that come out of my so called ' mothers' reply.

"Not guilty."

"Why?"William asked.

"Me and her father have the done the best we could to raise her. She just got out of control and we didnt wish to have that burden."

"It's called being a fucking parent and doing your damn job." William said and everyone just laughed with him and I found myself laughing with them.

"Maria don't you think that this is harsh! Tell them! Tell them how good we took care of you!!" My mother pleads her lifes case and i couldnt find it in me to care.

"So taking care of me means illegaly selling me to my abusive hybrid ex for money as a way of taking care of me then congrat-ufucking-lations on parents of the year award!!"I said and William looks to me.

"They are your parents render the verdict." I look to the 2 pathetic humans and i couldnt find it in me.

"Guilty.. Death to you mother and father.." Then i walked out of the throne room without another word.


end of chapter

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