Chapter 7

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-January 4th 2019-

I finally reach the gym. It took 20 minutes, but that's mainly because I stopped to get coffee, but we don't talk about that...

I get out and grab my bag, mentally preparing as I stepped through the glass doors. This is it.

"Hey, you most be Maryland, I'm Dakota." A man said, he looked pretty nice.

"Hi, yes, but you can call me Marie. Do you by chance know were I could find Eddie or Orby?" I respond, shaking his hand.

"Yeah, follow me." He takes my hand swinging it back and forth and walks me into a large gym. There are a few younger athletes tumbling with coaches on the first mat, and a group of guys in the back corner of another. Dakota pulls me too the group of guys.

"Hey guys, our new, potential, flyer is here." Dakota says as we approach the group. They all introduce themselves, I only recognize the older two, Michaeleddie and Enrique from Smoed. I introduce myself and Eddie has us start warming up while explaining to me what we're gonna do. We will start with basics and getting used to each other as a group, then we'll start doing old stunt routines so they can see how I perform, then I'll do tumbling and jumps and I'm good to go.

"Okay, do ya'll feel confident with each other, and ready to move on?" We nod and he continues. "Okay let's start with Smoeds stunt from this year, y'all know the counts, right?" He asks mainly me, so I nod. "Okay, lets go." We get set up and he starts counting.

We do it perfectly the first time, catching the eyes of everyone in the gym. "OH MY GOSH, that was perfect!" Dakota says, well almost shouts.

"Agreed, however there are a few things I'd like you to fix. I've seen you pull better needles, I would like to see them so I can see where you are, same with your heel stretch, don't hold back, got it?"

"Yes, sir," I respond, taking a mentally note of everything he says.

"Also, make sure your feet don't cross in the double down, you didn't fully cross but you started to. Now lets see a trick stunt? Talk it out and give me a stunt with a decent selection of skills."

I nod looking at the boys they do the same. We go over counts for a second and then set up.

"That was great Maryland. Boys your free to go, good work and thank you for coming." The boys nod and walk off, I step up preparing for the next part of my tryout. "Okay tumbling or jumps first?"

"Jumps first!"

"Okay, tell us when your ready. We want to see all your jumps and at least two jumps to tuck and if you have it toe-full. But of course, if you can do better, do better." I nod and do a few extra stretches before starting.

I throw these 3 skills along with some others before moving on to tumbling, I was told to just throw a few passes because they've seen all my passes that I've posted, so I throw these.

When I'm done, they thank me and inform me that I will get a call back in a few days that will tell me if I placed and where I placed and then send me home. When I get home a shower and make lunch, planning to stay in the rest of the day.


Yo!! It's been a long week, hope y'all are doing well. Also let me know if y'all like having the videos or if you'd prefer to imagine what happens. 

Word Count: 575

November 15,2020

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