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Mariana layed in her bed restless. She couldn't seem to sleep lately as her mind was racing. She had a doctor's appointment soon to confirm the pregnancy and to make sure everything was going good so far.
"Are you ready?" Callie said walking into Mariana's loft.
"Yeah.. I guess so" Mariana said as she pulled her hair into a messy bun. She wore a cute pair of jeans, a hoodie, and her Nike shoes.
She had told everyone the night before that she was going to go visit Jude today with Callie, which of course was a lie.
She didn't want to tell them she was pregnant, not yet at least. They headed out the door together and took a Coche to the OBGYN office.
Dennis knocked on Gael's door.
He opened the door hard,
"What do you want dude? It's 8 am" he said going back over to his bed to sit. He was still upset from the night before. Callie had rejected him yet again and told him she was trying to work things out with Jamie. He couldn't believe she was still wasting her time on him when clearly they are never going to work out for each other.
"I know it's early but you're my bro.. I just need advice" Dennis said sitting down on his bed as well.
"About what?" Gael said curiously. He wasn't really the person people came to for advice.
"You're good with the ladies right?" Dennis said and Gael scrunched his eyebrows together,
"No... actually not really.. but what's up?" He said and Dennis chuckled.
"Well, Davia cheated"
"No way?! I'm so sorry dude" Gael said patting his back.
"I actually am not sure if it counts as cheating but she sent nudes to Jeff. I just can't believe she's still not over him or something" he said standing up angry. This reminded Gael of Callie,
"Women suck. I say just give up, love doesn't exist. Life is pointless and all that's gonna happen is you'll get your heart broken so" Gael said grabbing a bottle of wine.
"You think so? She tried apologizing and I hated seeing her upset"
"You think she's upset? Get real Dennis she doesn't care. She didn't care when she was dirty texting with Jeff did she? No, you want some?" He said pouring a glass.
"Gael, it's 8 in the morning" Dennis said watching him shake his head.
"It's 5 o'clock somewhere. Isn't that what everyone says. Look if you want my advice I say, stay single. You need some time to heal on your own and this will be good for the both of you"
"Okay, thanks for the advice" Dennis said as he headed out,
"Anytime" Gael grabbed out his art supplies as inspiration hit.
"Are you nervous?" Callie said watching Mariana fidget with her fingers and tap her foot on the floor. They were already checked in and now were waiting in the front office.
"Yes, like a lot" she said looking at Callie desperately.
"It's gonna be okay. I'm right here" she said grabbing onto her hand.
"Mariana Adams Foster" the nurse said and Mariana took a deep breath before walking up.
Callie followed close behind.
"Hi Mariana! How is everything?" The nurse said gesturing for her to get on the scale.
"Uhh everything is good" she said stepping onto the scale.
"Awesome. Go ahead and follow me I'm just gonna take some of your vitals" the nurse said leading them into a private room. Mariana sat on a hospital bed while the nurse took her oxygen levels, blood pressure, and listened to her heart rate.
"Ok everything looks great, today we're just going to do a blood test to confirm pregnancy is that correct?" She said and Mariana nodded.
"Ok did you take a test at home? How many did you take and were they all positive?"
"Yes I ended up taking 3 and they were all positive"
"Alright the doctor will be in shortly" she said heading out.
A few minutes later the doctor headed in,
"Alright, hi Mariana! My name is Dr. Michael and I am gonna just be taking a blood draw to confirm pregnancy since it's a little early on to see in an ultrasound but that will definitely be next appointment" he said grabbing the needle and small table.
"When was your last menstruation?"
"It was on the 17th of last month" she said while he rolled up her sleeve to clean off her arm.
"Ok and you're blood pressure was slightly elevated so that is something you would need to watch for. Definitely monitor any stress or making sure we're staying healthy and away from smoking or drinking. You don't smoke do you?"
"No, no of course not. A few weeks ago I did drink casually because I didn't know I was pregnant though" she said worried as she looked down.
"Ok, no more alcohol" he said putting the needle in her skin and taking the blood sample.
Callie watched as Mariana looked away. She hated needles.
"Ok all done. I'll see you back here in about a few days after your results come in and then we'll do a more extensive exam to check for everything. You should get a call in about 24 hours with results" he said removing the needle.
"Ok, thank you so much" Mariana said as he wrapped up her arm. He looked over at Callie,
"Of course it's a pleasure seeing you today Mariana, and who is this?" He said referring to Callie,
"Oh, hi, I'm her sister Callie" she said shaking his hand.
"Awesome, I look forward to taking this journey with you" he said heading out as they followed him.
They made another appointment for a few days from then and then left in a Coche.
"I think Evan will be there today. Should I say something?" She said nervously.
"No, I think you should wait till the blood test results come back. Just to be sure then you can tell" Callie said.
"Ok so tomorrow?" She said and Callie nodded.
They arrived back at the coterie to see Alice sitting in the kitchen with Malika,
"Hey, how was it with judicorn?" Alice said they had completely forgot about the lie they told,
"It was great he's doing super well it's just we had to get back quick for work" Callie said as they walked fast to her loft.
"That was so sus" Malika said looking at Alice.
"Definitely sus" she said back and continued eating her cereal.
They got ready for work and Callie was the first to leave. She walked out towards the kitchen and Gael stared at her from the countertop he was sitting on. She quickly looked away and fixed her jacket. Why was he staring at her? It's not her fault she sees him as nothing more than a hook up. It was his idea from the start to be casual, before him she never did the friends with benefits thing. She awkwardly walked out and to the elevator to leave.
30 minutes before:

Gael was finished painting. He used black, white, and brown paint to make a silhouette type of portrait of two people, a man and woman, holding hands. It was a very abstract piece so it was hard to see exact lines and figures but he was satisfied with it. He stood back from it and smiled.
Just then he recieved a phone call, from Jamie.
What could he possibly want?
Gael hesitantly answered.
"Hello? Jamie?" He said confused.
"Hi Gael, look I'm sorry for calling out of the blue but I didn't know who else to talk to. It's been killing me just thinking about it all day" he said and Gael got nervous,
"What is it?" He said. Jamie and him got closer over the past year and even considered each other friends. Though, at the moment Gael didn't want anything to do with Jamie.
"Do you know if Callie is pregnant?" He said causing Gael to almost fall back. His jaw dropped and he sat on his bed.
"Why would she be pregnant? Why do you think that?" He said
"I saw her buy a test and she's been really wanting me to forgive her and I agreed to work things out because I think she's pregnant" he said and Gael couldn't believe what he was saying.
"Nobody has said anything about that around here and I doubt she would tell me anyway" he said. He paused for a second, what if the baby was his? Callie has sex with him right after she broke things off with Jamie and it was possible.
"I guess, but if you hear anything can you let me know? I just don't want her to do something she'll regret" he said and Gael wondered what he meant by that.
"Yeah, I'll let you know if I hear anything.. but you know if you're curious you should just ask her" he said and Jamie sighed,
"I know but you know Callie, she likes to keep things to herself"
".. ok I'll let you know if I hear anything. Take care" he said and Jamie hung up.
Gael grabbed the paint can and threw it at the painting he just made creating a loud crashing sound. Callie was pregnant, most likely with Jamie's baby and this broke him more than anything. He wished Jamie didn't call him.
"Hey, Mariana" Raj said watching Mariana intensely writing out code,
"Oh, hi" she said continuing to code and ignoring Raj.
"What's on your mind?" He said rolling his chair closer to hers.
"Nothing ugh, I'm just trying to get this assignment done and you should be working on it too you know. The software isn't anywhere near where it should be" she said frustrated as she continued to type.
"You sure you're not just so upset that your boyfriend is not here today?" Chris said and Gavin laughed,
"Good one" he said bumping fists.
"You guys are worse than Sam and Alex and no, that wasn't a good anything. You guys have no idea what you're talking about. " she said not looking away from her screen
"No I think we know exactly what we're talking about" Gavin said looking over at Raj and laughing. Raj then looked at Mariana and then back at his computer.
She felt angry at Raj, how could he tell the guys at work about Evan? They promised they weren't going to tell anyone at work about their personal life despite the rumors that were already spreading like wildfire.
"What the hell?" She said as she pulled Raj into a corner a little while later.
"Did you tell them that Evan and I are a thing?" She said whispering.
"Of course not! But it's not like it's secret. People have pictures of you two and it's kinda obvious so don't blame me" He said back in a whisper and walked away.
She looked around suddenly insecure,
When she first started at Speckulate she was so excited everyday to come in for work now this place didn't excite her, instead it made her feel sick to her stomach.
Casey saw her standing in the corner and walked up,
"Monday's suck right?" She said chuckling and Mariana nodded her head. She was surprised Casey was even talking to her after their last encounter she thought they all hated her.
"I'm taking work home today, it's so distracting here" Mariana said walking back to her team room.
"Hey... I hope Evan being gone made you realize you don't need to date him to be successful here. I really want to put this female Speckulate drama behind us but we can't do that unless you continue to not mix work with pleasure" Casey said basically begging Mariana.
"Ok.. don't worry about it" Mariana said. She headed back to her room and grabbed her bag to go. She didn't have to worry about it because she was going to quit. This way she doesn't ruin anyone else's life.

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