Mr. P

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It was now late at night and most of the crew had gone asleep early to recover from the attack.

Knock knock.

Ryan opened the door to see Torcher.

"I don't speak to traitors."

Ryan shut the door before Torcher had the chance to say anything.

"Ryan, please.. Just for a second." Torcher pleaded.

Ryan didn't want to let Torcher in, but his conscience got the better of him.

"5 minutes."

Torcher walked in and sat down next to Ryan.


"Listen Ryan, I need to tell you something about Mr. P."

Ryan rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. "If it's about how much you idolize him, I don't wanna hear it."

"It's not that, It's the reason why Mr. P does what he does, and did what he did."

Confused, but intrigued, Ryan leaned in closer.

"It all started about a few months ago, Mr. P's wife was dying from an incurable disease. The doctors had given up and everyone knew there was nothing else he could do. But not Mr. P. He wasn't the type to give up, not now or ever. He spent weeks finding a cure and spent millions of dollars all for the sake of his wife. The doctors warned him his 'cure' was unstable and needed more time to be tested. Mr. P didn't HAVE time, he forced his crew to test it out. They found a very kind pig family to try out the cure. Almost like magic, the family grew stronger! Mr. P was overjoyed by the results and gave his wife the 'cure' immediately. His wife significantly grew stronger and she was able to now walk around, even run around! One week later, news broke out that the same pig family was going total apeshit. They held weapons and their eyes changed colors. They began attacking any living thing they could find. After hearing about this news, Mr. P ran over to his wife to check on her. Her eyes shone red and she held a kitchen knife in her hand. The infection had now started. She sprinted towards him, keeping the knife firm in her grasp. Mr. P with no other choice, took out a gun and shot her right in the forehead. She fell to the ground, a neon green liquid oozing from her wound. He now spends every waking day looking for a cure and trying to reverse what he did." Torcher explained.

"Wow.. Damn. I didn't even know.." Ryan said. He was no longer angry, he knew how much it hurts to lose someone.

"How do you know this much anyways?" He asked.

"In the middle of the infection, Mr. P offered me a spot in his Base as a defender.

Looking as there was literally no other choice, I accepted. We got friendly and one day he finally told me what I just told you." Torcher responded.

"Damn. I'm sorry for what I said, Torcher." Ryan said.

"It's okay. I would've acted the same way."

They both laughed off the event and went to bed. 

Torcher x Soldier | Crime & Punishment | (SOME GORE) (PRETTY LONG STORY)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon