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2 weeks later.


Hundreds of soldiers began emerging from the ground from the alarm.

"It's been awhile since we've had new visitors!" Said one of the soldiers.

Some were excitedly chanting about the news while some cowered away underground in fear the survivors would damage them like Torcher did.

"Survivors? We haven't heard that word in a while, maybe the survivors that are here are from the TSP?" Ryan commented.

"What business would the TSP have here? All our useful supplies are gone already." Torcher replied.

Pony, Zizzy and [PLAYER] walk up to the outpost, still engulfed in an internal blaze.

"This is where the signal came from. I suggest you all be very careful, recently the troops had been taken over by the infection." Pony warned.

He had an uneasy look on his face, he knew there would be hundreds of soldiers to fight off.

"Hey, don't worry too much, we got this far, we are survivors!" Zizzy said, patting Pony on the back.

Despite the reassurance, [PLAYER] could tell she was also pretty anxious.

"THERE THEY ARE!" yelled one of the soldiers.

The troop members got in position and plunged themselves underground; Torcher and Ryan stayed above.

"I don't wanna do this." Ryan whispered, shakily.

"Hang in there, I'm sure this won't be long. How about you hide in one of the buildings?" Torcher replied, pointing to the cafeteria.

"Will you be okay? I'm sure they'll put up a fight.." Ryan said, his eyes wide with fear and anxiety.

"Don't worry about me, now go!"

Ryan quickly ran into the cafeteria, shutting the door behind him.

"I don't see anyone here," Zizzy said, looking around the empty outpost.

"You can't be too careful, the infected are getting smarter everyday." Pony replied, tense.

"Do you think they actually want to kill us? I heard the infected know what they're doing." [PLAYER] said, remembering all the past infecteds they encountered.

"I'm sure they plead mercy, but remember, they can't control themselves. If they show murderous intent, we show it back, we need to survive," Pony replied.

The silence grew stronger and stronger around the three, all they could hear was the fire burning and their own breaths.

"I don't know why we're just standing here, we could be on our way to Mr. P's bas-"


An infected soldier leaped out of the ground lunging towards Zizzy.

Zizzy's reflexes caused her to quickly stab the soldier in the eye.


The soldier groaned and fell back underground.

The survivors grew tense after what they just witnessed.

"They attack from underground?! What a dirty trick! We need to find the keycard to Mr. P's base and get out of here, quick!" Pony said, pointing towards the exit.

"You and [PLAYER] split up, I'll take care of the soldiers," Zizzy confidently said, tipping her hat. "Now go!"

Ryan stared outside the cafeteria window and saw the survivors frantically moving around and avoiding soldiers. He felt his instincts to kill come on and quickly moved away from the window.

Please don't die.

He didn't want the survivors to fail, after all, they were the ones who were gonna stop Mr. P! He needed to stay low and out of the survivors' way if he wanted to succeed.

He peeked out from underneath the door in hopes of finding Torcher.

Torcher's boots had a distinctive sound to them so whenever you heard it, you'd know it's him.

Tmp Tmp Tmp

There it was.

He looked outside to see Torcher pushing shelves in front of doors and hiding keys. Why wasn't he helping the survivors? Didn't he want them to succeed, find the cure? Ryan was tempted to ask, but knew he couldn't. One step outside the cafeteria and his killing instincts would go wild.

Torcher, what are you doing?

"UGH! I've been searching around for HOURS! Why is it so hard to find some god damn keys?!"

[PLAYER] kicked a rock in frustration.

Torcher turned to see what the noise was and met eyes with [PLAYER].


Torcher suddenly felt a strong shock flow through his body and the grip on his gun tightened. He stopped hiding keys and began marching over to [PLAYER]. The only thing running through his mind was to kill.

[PLAYER] stepped back in fear, their gun was out of ammo and soldiers surrounded the area giving no room to run away.

When Torcher got close enough he put his finger on the trigger and- WHACK

Pony swiftly hit Torcher in the side of the head with his sword.

Torcher stood still in shock of the attack.

"C'mon [PLAYER]! Zizzy can't hold back the soldiers forever! We need to find the keycard and get outta here!" Pony panted, wiping the blood off his sword.

[PLAYER] looked at Zizzy then back at Torcher who was completely frozen.

"Got it. No more fooling around."

Pony and Player quickly went separate ways looking for keys and other items.

Ryan looked outside the window to see Torcher bruised and damaged from the attack.


Without thinking, Ryan ran outside the building and checked up on Torcher. "Hey are you okay? What happened? Do you need-"

Torcher quickly snapped out of his daze and pushed Ryan away. He only had murder on his mind, there was no saving him until he finished his task.

"Oh no"

The infection was now controlling Torcher like a puppet, Ryan had to head back to the cafeteria before the same would happen to him.


Ryan looked around to see a zebra with a bloody purple dress running towards him with a fencing sword.

No no no no no no no no no no no no no no NO NO NO!

Ryan could no longer move his body, he met gaze with a survivor. He unwillingly took out his knife and ran towards the zebra.

Before Ryan could even get the chance to stab her, Zizzy cleanly sliced his stomach from down to up. Stunned, Ryan fell to the ground.

Better me than her, better me than her.

Zizzy spat on Ryan and kicked his bleeding body. "Dirty infected. Go to hell."

Ryan looked up at Zizzy and watched her fight off many soldiers with ease, quickly, cleanly.. His gaze slowly got blurry and then all he saw was black. 

Torcher x Soldier | Crime & Punishment | (SOME GORE) (PRETTY LONG STORY)Where stories live. Discover now