Unique Chapter

195 7 5

A/N at the bottom


There was a recurring bet in Camp Half-Blood.

It had started when a group of campers were talking. The group consisted of a son of Aphrodite, a daughter of Nemesis, a daughter of Hermes and a son of Nike. One thing led to the other and, in the end, they were betting against each other (surprisingly- or not -Hermes and Aphrodite seemed to be in agreement with this).

This soon extended as a rumour around Camp and every single camper, satyr and nymph decided to get into the bet- well, not every single one, but you get what I mean.

"Pst! Connor!" Connor Stoll turned around from his 'oh-so-interesting' activity to find a daughter of Nike trying not to look suspicious for talking to him.

"What is it?" He whispered back.

"How is the poll this week?" As a reply, Connor pulled out a small brown leather notebook from his pocket and opened in the date's page.

"We have 150 drachmas, two kitchen duties free, one stable duty-free and your cabin's possibility to side with Athena on the next Capture The Flag." Connor read, completely immersed in what he was reading. "If you win, of course."

"Of course." The girl replied, rolling her eyes. "The options?" Connor focused his eyes on another column that was taking the whole page.

"Eh, we have during practice, the upcoming chariot race aaaaaand, during inspection later today."

"Add five drachmas to practice, now." Connor perked up upon hearing that and wrote down the new bet, along with the camper's name.

"Give your drachmas to Nemesis, they are withholding it until we have a winner." The girl nodded and left Connor to go back to what he was previously doing. "On second thought..." He muttered to himself before smirking and skipping to the arena. He had to push people around to get to the edge, as it seemed like all the campers.

"I heard she woke up screaming at her siblings..." Connor heard some camper whispering to her nymph friend. "You're lucky you don't sleep nearby..."

"Did you hear the rumour that she is blackmailing him?" Another one gasped and mumbled to his friend. "That's why they're dating..."

"In the mortal world, this would count as partner abuse." One stated with more seriousness. People were nodding around the person who did that last statement as if they were finally realizing what it was.

Finally, Connor reached the edge of the crowd only to be face to face with a common show:

His 22-years-old older brother, Chris Rodriguez, was being beaten up to the pulp by his girlfriend and daughter of Ares, 20-years-old Clarisse La Rue.

Alright, maybe 'beat up to the pulp' was an exaggeration, but Clarisse was clearly showing who was a better fighter.

Right now, Chris had managed to get up from the floor, the back of his clothes and his left side were covered in dirt. His right hand was holding his sword tight, using it as support to stand up. His messy brown hair was covered in sweat and sticking on the back of his head while the front dipped right in front of his eyes. He was panting, clearly trying to gather his breath while looking at his girlfriend.

Clarisse, unlike Chris, was standing there, twirling her beloved spear Maimer- Connor swore Percy Jackson still called it 'Lamer' -between her hands. She seemed like she hadn't broken a sweat, looking relaxed and slightly bored. Her slightly long brown hair, pulled back with her signature red bandanna and her clothes weren't covered in a speck of dust.

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