Chapter 15 | The Love Broker

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"Love is when you can spot the faultiness created within your partner and accept them the way they are."

 -Tshepo Koos Maluleke

Chapter 15

The Love Broker

"Another point goes to Hikaru!" The doctor bursted into the living room, grinning like the madman he was as he gleefully skipped to his lover, to be precise, Celty.

Immediately, the headless woman's shoulder tensed as she gets up from the couch with a huff, flinging the Xbox controller on the cushion as she did so. Admitting she was in defeat and was no longer able to move her thumbs.

It was another relaxing day in Ikebukuro— when people decided to stay in their homes to keep in warmth, to keep in toasty or to even snuggle with your partners— nope.

The three of us, decided to call it a day and relax a bit. Celty and I have been playing Tekken 6, and I have been using Baek since he has kick combos that went really well. And as for Celty, she used Bob since he is very quick, powerful, and versatile, although Celty wasn't very good with pressing buttons. That was absolutely my thing though; pressing random buttons. Tough luck for Celty, I guess.

Celty whipped out her phone quickly and typed in her message so fast, her fingers were blurs on the keys.

'She's unbeatable and her combos are amazing!' She shoved the phone so close to the doctor's face that he had to look cross-eyed to see her message, he blinked and laughed.

If she only knew—

"It looks like she is," Shinra mumbled under his breath, slowly grasping her hands together, tangling them with his own as he thought. "But to me, you scored ten points in my heart."

I thought him that.

I chuckled softly as I watch the two have their sweet moment. "Stop it you two. You're going to make me squeal."

Sighing, the bespectacled doctor untangled his fingers from Celty's, grinning over to me. As soon as Shinra took his hands off hers, Celty began producing this black-shadow that overflowed, making a shape of a heart. This made the mad doctor chuckle.

"Say, I've noticed Sora-chan . . . you got happier." Shinra smirked, putting a hand on his waist. "Could you possibly like someone” Before he could finish his sentence, Celty interrupted, shoving her phone to Shinra's face.

'Che. Stop it, Shinra!'

"S-sorry," he says, and gives me an earnest smile. "But you really do look much happier."

He's right. It's my second week here in Ikebukuro and it feels like I belong to this place. But, I mustn’t waste my time here, I must win that bet. That promise . . . will be fulfilled. I will marry the man I love the most and that person is Shizuo, no doubt of it.

"What can I say? I'm enjoying the life here in Ikebukuro." I said, pulling of the best smirk I could give.

"I'm glad you are. And I'm glad you and Izaya are getting along . . ." Shinra took his seat on his favorite chair as he rests his chin on his palm.

"I wouldn't say we are but I guess we're okay?"

Thump. Thump.

Strange. My heart began pounding all of a sudden; must be because of my last visit in Izaya's apartment. The image of Izaya kept running back and forth in my head and he still constantly pester me with his annoying smirk. Notwithstanding of that nettlesome face, he is also known to be quite thoughtful for a pervert like him. Rather appalling right?

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