Chapter 25 | Hide Away

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"Just be yourself and you'll be fine."

- Natsuki Takaya

Chapter 25

Hide Away

My eye twitched in annoyance at the sight of the informant infront of me. Izaya has another of his infamous sinister smile on his face as he looks down on me; he chuckled at how my face flush dark red. I was on my bed curled up with red tired eyes due to the crying I did last night and to add it up, my hair was a big mess.

I have no idea how he entered my room but he definitely needs to stay out.

"Izaya," I started with a excoriated tone, "I'm not in the mood for your shit."

I rolled my eyes and continue snuggling on my Kaneki plushy. "Besides, Celty and Shinra are out on a date. I'd like to sleep in peace."

I wanted to clear my mind for the day and try my best not to remember what happened yesterday, and I need to be happy for tomorrow. It is Christmas.

All I need is Netflix, food and my bed and that would make my day.

"Well that's no way to spend your day." He says, sitting down next to me, I turned away and groaned.

"I'm not in the mood!" I whined and stuffed my face with my pillow and continue groaning.

"Hah . . . " I heard him sigh under his breath and felt him twirling my hair with his finger. "I was going to treat you coffee in Staryen." (Staryen = Starbucks)

I peered half of my face out and turned to him; he smirked.

"What's the catch?" I queried, raising a brow too see if he's serious or not.

"Be my . . . girlfriend." The last word he said made me gasped out loud. The way his thin lips say it in slow motion made my heart beat out a little.

"WHAT?! NO! I CAN BUY MY OWN COFFEE!" I blurted out, scooting myself further away from the informant. I could feel the heat crawling up my neck even more, I must be a tomato by now.

He chuckled slightly. "Fine then . . . I'll treat you and buy you whatever like. Name it. I'll be the best boyfriend for a day that you'll ever have." His voice was luring- smooth and sexy.

Even so, he might attack me with kisses or hug me; I'm never good at awkward situations like that.

I cringed but an idea bubbled in my head, making me smirk at this thought.


Boys seem to like the girls who laugh at anything

The ones who get undressed
Before the second date

Girls seem to like the boys
Who don't appreciate
All the money and the time that it takes

"Why would you want a hotdog for breakfast?" Izaya asked, scratching his cheek as he peered to my shoulder.

I chow down on my hotdog and ignored his looks. "Because it's cold and I like hotdogs."

"Sure you do~" Izaya poked my side and let out a chuckle. "Hoshi-chan likes the jumbo size~" He lets out another laugh.

I nodded curtly. "I find hotdogs in mornings extremely delicious despite the fact that it's unhealthy. It's juicy and that's how I like it."

. . .

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