Part 3

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Jisung woke up being dragged down from the top-bunk down to the floor and out of his cell.
JS: What the hell?

He looked up to see the guard from yesterday dragging him across the floor, away from his cell.

GD: You need to change cell.

JS: I can walk you know!
The guard let go of Jisung, he stood up from the floor, and before he could dust his hands an knees off, as he always does. The guard took his hands and handcuffed them behind his back.

JS: *Sighs* I didn't think of excepting. You just woke me up!

GD: You never know.

Jisung followed the guard up some stairs and along the new floor, till he got to a cell.

The guard opened the door to the new cell.
GD: Here's your new cell.
He said pushing Jisung in the cell. So he almost fell, again.

Jisung turned around and looked at the guard before speaking.

JS: Why am I even changing cell? I didn't say I had a problem with my old cell.
Jisung said crossing his arms over his chest.

GD: Then your cell-mate must have had, cuz you are here now.

The guard answered, before locking the cell and walking away.

??: Hey.

Jisung turned around to where the voice came from. He looked over at the bunk-bed and saw another male sitting on the bottom-bed.

JS: Hey..

This guy looked a lot more intimidating then Minho did.

Hopefully he is not as rude as Minho.

JS: Uhmm.. I'm Han Jisung.

??: Han Jisung? THAT Han Jisung?

JS: Depends on who you think I am.

??: From HG?

JS: Yeah..

??: What are you doing here?
He looked kinda surprised, almost as if he was worried that Jisung was there.

JS: Uhmm.. I got caught. Who are you..?

??: Oh I'm so sorry, I'm Seo Changbin.

Now it was Jisung's turn to look surprised.
JS: What are YOU doing here?

CB: The same reason as you.

JS: But I thought- I thought you got away-

CB: I didn't.. As you can see.

JS: But my father should have known that you are sitting here.

Changbin stood up walking over to Jisung, standing face to face.. or almost (the 2 cm. Deference between them💀)

Changbin leaned in whispering something to Jisung.
CB: *Whispering* What did they find out?

JS: *Whispers back* Only that I sold drugs and weapons to minors.

CB: *Sighs in relief* That's good. How many years..?

JS: 3, and you?

CB: Same; also 3, but I have been here for some time now.

JS: What did they find out?

CB: I sold drugs close to a school, stupid of me.

JS: Pretty stupid.

Changbin hit Jisung playfully on his arm. It was like they had known each other for a long time, when in reality they only knew who each other was based on what Jisung's father hat told them about the other.

JS: *Chuckles* I'm kinda relieved that I got you as cell-mate instead.

CB: Why?

JS: Him I was with before was so grumpy and cold, I feel a lot more like me here *Smiles* I don't think these 3 years will be bad. Maybe more of a good time.

CB: I could imagine it being nice coming away from your father. But who was your Cell-mate before?

JS: Lee Minho.

Changbin almost chocked on his own silver when he heard the name.

CB: A-Are you kidding me?

JS: Nope.

CB: *Whisper shouts* Your father's enemy?!

JS: *Nods* Exactly. But I don't think he knows who I am.
And I could honestly care less about what my father thinks of him. If he had just been nice to me like you, I wouldn't have a problem with him.

Changbin crossed his arms over his chest and looked at Jisung with a confused and questioning expression.
CB: You know how long he has already been here right?

JS: 2 years..?

CB: Exactly, he has been her for quite a while, and if YOUR dad becomes a scaredy cat when he is around. How do you think the others react in this prison?
He can practically do as he want, he probably kicked you out of your cell because you talked to him or something.

JS: *Laughs nervously* I did actually talk back to him a few times.



Jisung shushed Changbin while placing a hand on his shoulder and looking out of the cell-door, and holding a finger over his mouth. Not wanting a guard to come by and check on them, because of Changbin's loudness.

CB: *Whisper shouts* you did WHAT?!?

JS: I don't know! I didn't think about it in the situation!

CB: *Shocked* I'm honestly surprised that you aren't dead. He didn't slap you or anything?

JS: I mean he did drag me out of the bottom-bed down onto the floor-

CB: Oh my god..

JS: What?

CB: It's only your first day here, and you already fucked.

JS: *Sighs* please don't remind me..

So Changbin.. Good or bad person?
What do you think?🤔

Words: 834

I'm sorry if everything seems kind rushed, I just don't want this book to be to long lol.

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