Part 2

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GD: Here's your cell.
The guard said throwing Jisung into his new cell. Making him fall to his knees.

JS: Thanks a lot.
Jisung said rolling his eyes, before he stood up with confidence and brushed off his knees and hands.

GD: Don't get to confident Han.

JS: Whatever you say.
Jisung quickly commented, waving the guards comment off, while waving his hand in the air.

JS: It's funny you say that *Turning around so he faces the guard, that's standing at the entrance off his new cell*
You are standing here, criminals everywhere, and you expect us to NOT talk back?
Jisung snorted before continuing.
JS: I'm not scared of you, I will talk back if I want to.

GD: Watch your mouth Han. Here in prison WE are over YOU. I will let you go this time, just because you are new here.

Jisung rolled his eyes before looking around his cell.

JS: Isn't there supposed to be another one here? Or am I alone?

GD: Your cell-mate is out doing his assignments. I'm sure you know that you will have to do some things as well here in prison.
The guard said smirking.

Jisung knew what he meant, so there was no needs for him asking about that.

GD: Oh? See you already learned your lesson, not talking back this time?

JS: There was no need too. I already know what you where talking about, so why should I ask you?

The guard didn't say anything. But instead changed the subject.

GD: You will get used to how we do it here, ask you cell-mate if needed.

And with that he left.


Jisung was sitting at the bottom-bed of the bunk bed, he was thinking about this whole situation.

He sighed before letting his body fall down oh the bed.

Why was I born this way?

Jisung had already been there for 2 hours, he looked out though the bars and looked at the clock 5pm.

When was his cell-mate coming? It was starting to get boring.

He laid back down on the bed.

Not long after he heard the bars opening and the closing again. But he didn't bother to look up.

He heard the person go over to the sink and turning on the water. Jisung signed and sat up straight.

JS: Hello.

The boy only looked over at him and nodded as a greeting.

JS: I'm Han Jisung and I guess I'm your new cell-mate for the next 3 years.

The boy only snorted before continuing with washing his face.

JS: And you are..?

??: Lee Minho.

Jisung could swear he felt his heart drop to his ass.

No way.

Lee Minho.

The only person his dad always talked about.

His dad always said how happy he was that he was in prison.

And what a good job he did with getting him in prison.

Before Jisung could stop himself he said "I'm sorry"

The other male dried his face with a towel before looking at Jisung with confusion written all over his face.

MH: What?

JS: Uhmm nothing, I don't know what I'm saying anyways.

Minho didn't seem to think much about it but just got back to doing his own business.

Jisung mentally slapped himself.
Fuck me and my big mouth.

Minho walked over to Jisung who was laying at the bottom-bed. Jisung laid with his head on the hard pillow and his arms crossed over his chest.

MH: Move.

JS: Why would I? *Raises eyebrow*

MH: Cuz I said so, and I wanna sleep.

JS: Then use the top-bunk.

MH: Don't test me.
Minho said and crosses his arms.

JS: Don't test ME, and I'm already laying here, and you are the one with the problem.

MH: Ether you move and sleep on the top-bunk OR move and sleep on the floor. I don't care.

Jisung snorted.

JS: No.

Before Jisung knew it. Minho grabbed his arm and yanked him onto the floor. Jisung almost hit his head on the cold cement floor, but thanks to his reflexes his arm hit it instead.

He pushed himself up, and stood up brushing his cloth and hands off. Before turning around mit sentence.

JS: Reall-

He stopped talking. When I saw Minho's back facing him already on the bed.

Jisung sighed before going up and laying down on the top-bunk.

He gave a quick glance at the watch "17:10pm" before he closed his eyes to get some rest.

I wonder how Mom and Felix is doing.

Don't hate Minho😭

Also I'm sorry if it was confusing bc of the lack of information y'all got.
It will come around:)
And then it will all make more since;D

Tell me what you think in the comments :D

Words: 762

Prison || MinsungOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora