Chapter 15 Back Where it all Began/ Stories

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"Wakey, wakey, little archer..."

I sigh and delve deeper into my duvet.

"Come on, time to get uuup!"

Nope, I cling to my dream, Mum, Gemma, and all my friends, smiling as I return home from my journey. Erik starts to come towards me, but Sylvando stops him and claps his hands.

"I said WAKE UP!"

Slowly opening my eyes, I'm greeted by the wonderful sight of Sylvando's face, right over mine.

He smiles, "Morning, darling!"

I stare up at him, slightly scared. How close does he want to be!?

"M-Morning, Sylvando..." I stutter.

He leans back as I push myself into a sitting position. Erik is already up and stands at the foot of my bed.

He nods, smiling as I manoeuvre myself into a sitting position, "hate to drag you outta bed, but we need to head up to the arena. That prize they never got around to giving you? Well, they wanna hand it over! Let's get moving before they change their mind!"

He and Sylvando leave, but Sylvando stops at the doorway, turning back to me.

"If you're looking for me, I'll be over in the cheap seats," he winks, "don't forget to give me a wave!"

"I won't," I grin, "now get out so I can get dressed."

He closes the door behind him and I get dressed into my red crop top and denim shorts, and as I exit my room, I slip on my fingerless black gloves.

"Alright everybody, it's time to bring this' year's Masked Martial Arts Tournament to a close!"

Stand next to Vince, in the arena, with millions of people cheering and waving at us, I spot my friends and see Sylvando waving at me. Remembering his words from earlier, I give him and my friends a big wave.

"It's priiiize-giving tiiime!" The referee shouts, "ladies and gentlemen, I give you...our champions...The In-Vince-ibles! And now, to present the prize-,"

Vince raises his hand, silencing both the announcer and the audience, "hold up, hold up! Seems kind of a shame to have the good folks of Octagonia come and out and support us, and not give 'em a show to enjoy! Why don't we make this interesting?" He points at me, "I challenge you to a fight for the prize, Partner! Winner takes all!"

My mouth drops to my feet. What is he thinking!? I consider, staring at my partner.

"Ladies and gentlemen!" The announcer says, "the gauntlet has been thrown down Now that's the stuff champions are made of!"

"Vince, what are you doing?" I question; Vince just smiles.

"No backin' out now! Unless you wanna riot on your hands!" He laughs, seeing my expression and reaches behind him.

"Vince, no!" I hold my hand out in a 'stop' gesture, only to see nothing in his hand.

"Fooled ya!" He holds his hand up, showing nothing inside, "I don't do that stuff anymore. I fight clean, or not at all!" He raises his fists, "now let's do this!"

Swallowing uneasily, I unsheathe my sword and dodge as he swipes at me. I hit the hilt of my sword off his shoulder, causing him to grunt and stumble slightly. He throws another punch, and it only just misses my face. His body is stretches before me and I take the opportunity to slash at him.

It goes on for a while, before he slumps to the ground, exhausted. I sheathe my sword and hold my hand out to him, as the announcer stutters for words, and the audience exchange confused murmurings.

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