Chapter 4.

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A/N: This chapter probably won't be too long, maybe about 1.5k words, these are written before hand so who knows. 

Disclaimer: I do not own Devil May Cry, Honkai Impact 3rd or HDxD, they belong to their respect creators.

(Chapter Start)

"So how are we going to deal with the Devils?" Kiana asked her companions.

"What do you mean Kiana-Chan?" Mei asked the blue eyed girl.

"I mean, how are we going to deal with them, that is why we're here after all, right?" The Kaslana girl asked her crush and brother who sighed at her questions.

"While i personally would love to rip them a new one, we are here at the request of Yasaka, the Yokai leader, to observe them, however should we deem it necessary, we are to step in."
Alex reminded the white haired girl who groaned slightly at that. Subtlety never was her strong suit.

"Don't groan about it Kiana-Chan, lady Overseer trusted us with this job." Mei reprimanded the white haired girl who replied with a slight whine.

"But i wanted some action!" Rolling his eyes at the twin tailed Valkyrie Alex checked out his phone.

"Well, looks like you'll get some action, Cecilia just messaged me, she says that there's a decent number of Stray Devils around town, about seven or eight by her estimation."

"So what, we're going to take them out? Won't that be a little suspicious? Three new students show up and suddenly every stray in the area dies."

"Who said we're killing them all?" Alex asked her. "Don't get me wrong, I'd love to, but I'm letting Cecilia call the shots here."

"I thought you were a higher rank than Mom?" Kiana asked him with a head tilt.

"He is, she isn't officially a Valkyrie anymore, but she's still the more experienced person between us four." Mei answered for Alex.

"And she's more rational, as I am right now I'll act without thought if I'm not actively controlling my hate." Alex informed her. "We...- someone's coming." Cutting what he was about to say short, he informed his friend and sister of the person approaching them. 

Rounding the corner was a blonde pretty boy type that the three easily identified as a Devil, a knight if their senses were right. He was dressed in the standard male uniform of Kuoh academy. 

"Ah, sorry if I'm disturbing you, my name is Kiba Yuto, a member of the occult research club." The blonde introduced himself with what many would consider a charming smile. None of them were even remotely distracted by the smile. 

"Nice to meet you Yuto-San, I'm Raiden Mei, these are my friends Kaslana Kiana and Angelo Alexander." Mei introduced the three of them, knowing that Alex had had a few close calls with his temper that day and that Kiana would undoubtedly be rude for seemingly no reason. She loved her, really, but her friend was an idiot at times.

"What is it you want, Yuto-San?" Alex asked, wanting to get to the point of this conversation. 

"Ah, well, the head of my club said she wanted to have proper conversation with you, seeing as you just brushed past an opportunity to interact with her, which isn't something that really happens around." Translation: 'You brushed off my master, she's curious how and why.' Maybe that was what he was suggesting, maybe it wasn't, it really didn't matter to Alex. 

"Apologies but, this is our first day and we want to gather our bearings first." Mei apologized, but both Alex and Kiana knew there was nothing genuine behind this apology.

Alex from this point on closed his eyes and drowned the world out, Mei and Kiana can handle themselves and this conversation didn't interest him.

(End of School Day, Kaslana Household)

"Cecilia-San have we decided on a stray to target first?" Mei asked the more experienced Valkyrie who hummed slightly as she cooked.

The two cooks were currently whipping up a meal that could make the most luxurious of restaurant chains jealous, Alex was doing maintenance on their weapons and Kiana was going through her Kata's taught to her by both family and a friend from St. Freya.

"Yeah, there's a warehouse at the edge of town, abandoned, at least it seems like that. There's a group of strays held up inside, about four if I'm right. They're around low C rank at the lowest and Mid A rank at their highest." The lady of the house said, getting a nod from the Japanese beauty.

"I think Alex is done with our weapons." Mei noted, having heard the sound of running water from upstairs.

"It's nice to have someone who can really keep weapons maintained on your team when off on long assignments." Cecilia sighed out. "Honestly, I can't remember just how many times I've seen Valkyries just fail to keep their gear in a good condition."

"I'm pretty sure Alex would have a fit if any of us broke our gear." Both women laughed at the thought, before doubling down on it when Alex confirmed the idea with a shout from upstairs.

"Alright, would you set the table for us Mei, I'll finish this up and then we can finally start eating." The older woman requested from the girl who got straight to work.

After a little bit more work from the two chefs, their meal was done and set out on the table. "Kiana-Chan! Foods done!" Mei called out to the Kaslana girl.

The four gathered around the table, to have a comfortable meal before they had to get to work.

(End Chapter)

A/N: This chapter felt a bit empty but I don't like dragging chapters on longer they need to be and i couldn't really figure out way to extend it past this point so...

No, i do not know when the next chapter will be up, don't ask about it.

Thanks for reading.

Edit: Grammar check.

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