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widening my eyes at the new unfamiliar delivery boy, i cleared my throat. the boy was looking to either side of him, assumably wondering if he was knocking at the right house.

i look like absolute crap in front of a dude who looks like he could be on the cover of a magazine.

hah, my luck.

snapping his gaze towards me at my cleared throat, the boy smiled shyly, holding out the pizza box.

"t-thanks," i took the box from him and dug into my sweatpants pocket for some cash.

"it'll be $7.97," the boy piped, adjusting the bright red cap on his head.

"h-here you go," i stuttered, giving him a ten dollar bill. "keep the change."

"thanks," the boy beamed, causing my heart to flutter in my chest.


oh no.

the boy turned to go and i slowly closed the door and sighed a breath of relief.

why didn't anyone tell me there was a new delivery boy? better yet, a CUTE delivery boy?

now i've ruined all first impressions, opening the door with a blanket wrapped and no makeup on my face. i'm surprised he didn't shriek and run away at my appearance.

setting the pizza down on the coffee table, i sat back on the sofa and gnawed my lip. what if the dude thinks i'm a lazy bum who eats pizza all the time?

a few weeks later, once again having nothing to eat i dialed the phone.

"bang!pizza what can i-"

"why didn't you tell me you had a new delivery boy?" i snapped, cutting jisung off mid-sentence.

"uh, y/n?" jisung asked.

"yes, it's me. so why didn't you tell me!?"

"well, it didn't come up-"

"you could've just told me, 'hey y/n, we got a new super cute delivery boy by the way so don't open the door looking like a bum?'"

"i uh- wait you think he's cute?"

"well, duh. why would i tell you he's cute if i didn't think so? oh gosh, i've been postponing ordering pizza since i'm too nervous to face him again."

"y/n chill. hyunjin's not going to care what you look like. i'm sure he was relieved to deliver pizza to someone his age and not some hungry stoners at 3am."

"his name is hyunjin?" i asked, ignoring the rest of his statement.

"mhm, and he's on shift right now so i'll just put down your usual so he can deliver it-"


"see ya."

the line cut off and i glared at the phone.

pizza boy | hwang hyunjinWhere stories live. Discover now