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"there's nothing in this house to eat!" i called out, staring in fury at my empty fridge. salad dressings and sauces overflowed the door of my fridge but on the shelves, there was absolutely nothing that looked appetizing.

i could feel the eye roll from my mother as she shouted from upstairs, "just order something!"

you don't have to tell me twice, i thought and rushed to grab my phone. quickly tapping the restaurant's phone number on my speed dial list, i held my phone up to my ear.

"bang!pizza, what can i getcha?" an enthusiastic voice chimed through the phone.

"hey, jisung, it's y/n," i greeted, staring down at my nails.

jisung and the rest of my friends worked at the pizzeria not too far from my house during the summers and i used that to my advantage. not only did i get over my nerves when calling takeout but the discounts i got were very charitable for my broke ass.

"y/n! hey, what's up? you haven't called in a while."

"my house has no food so i'm ordering the best damn pizza in the city," i grinned, hopping onto one of the bar stools at my breakfast bar.

"aw, of course you are! you want your usual?"

"yes, please!"

"great, coming right up! are you going to be productive and pick it up or be a lazy ass and have one of our delivery guys bring it?"

"jisung, do i need to answer that?" i asked flatly, rolling my eyes.

"delivery it is! oh and hey! next week the guys and i are going to the beach. do you wanna come-"
jisung's voice was cut off by another familiar one.
"jisung, stop making small talk with the customers!"

"it's only y/n, minho hyung."

"oh, well tell her i said hi!"

jisung muttered into the phone, "minho says hi by the way."

"i heard," i chuckled.

"so it'll be ready in around twenty minutes. think you can wait that long?"

"we'll see." and with that, i hung up and sighed.

trudging to the couch, i plopped down and grabbed the tv remote. tuning to a random movie channel, i curled into a blanket and waited for my beloved pizza to show up.

less than halfway into the movie, the doorbell rang and what followed up was, "pizza delivery!"

standing up from my comfortable position on the couch, i wrapped the soft blanket around me and waddled to the door, not bothering to fix how i looked like.

the delivery boy at the pizzeria was felix. he's seen me in my worst state, including when i was dumped and ordered a whole pizza pie to myself all the while, i looked like a sobbing mess with my cheeks flushed and nose runny. so to say i didn't care what i looked like would be an understatement.

opening the door, i was ready to greet felix, "hey fe-"

i cut myself off when i noticed it wasn't felix.

pizza boy | hwang hyunjinWhere stories live. Discover now