Episode 5: Consultation with a Vampire part 4

Start from the beginning

"Whoa, whoa!" the punk shouted. "Look, the Doc's right! We really are just here to talk!" With one hand, he slowly reached behind him and pulled a silver pistol out, extending it to arm's length and letting it drop to the ground.

"Bring them over here," Ray snapped. "Look like we've got the first meals for our two newest members."


Sam looked down at the gap between the TARDIS and the loft door. Yeah, he thought. Good thing Dean isn't trying this. He took a deep breath and jumped, tucking his head to pass through the door. He landed lightly in the loft and froze, holding his breath. He could hear voices below, but no one stopped talking.

They hadn't heard him.

He turned and held out one hand to Amy. She stood in the TARDIS door, gripping the shotgun tightly with both hands, her knuckles white.

"C'mon," he said softly. "Toss me the gun first."

She did so, then grabbed his hand and jumped. Sam half-caught her and eased her weight to the floor. He looked back over his shoulder. Dean and the Doctor stood at the console, both watching them with tense looks on their faces. Sam gave them a thumbs-up. The Doctor nodded, and the TARDIs doors swung closed. It dropped out of view.

Sam leaned out the door and watched it land off to the side. Then Dean and the Doctor got out and walked to the front door.

"C'mon," he whispered to Amy.

They crept forward, Sam going in front and testing every board, wincing at every creak. Halfway through the loft, though, he heard Dean's voice, louder than the murmurs before.

"Well you ain't lookin' real cute right now, Fangs."

A second of silence. Sam froze completely, pulse hammering through his neck.

"Hullo. I'm the Doctor, here to help!"

"Yeah," Amy whispered behind him. "Don't think that's going to work here."

Sam smiled.

A second later, he heard two thuds. Sam ignored the creaking floor and jogged the last few feet. Dean would make sure he made enough noise to cover them. Sure enough, his brother started talking, trying to explain.

"Bring them over here," a voice snapped. "Looks like we found the meals for our two new members."

Sam heart rate spiked. He halted at the edge of the loft. The rest of the barn's upper space was open rafters, too far apart for Amy to get around in. He'd barely make it himself. He looked over the edge.

A ring of couches and chairs sat almost directly below them. He counted five vampires, one male sitting on a couch, feet propped on a bloodstained coffee table. The others ranged around the area, with four pinning down two men in the chairs. One of the men wore a long, dark blue great coat.

Sherlock Holmes.

Dean was still kicking up a fuss as he and the Doctor were dragged into view, vampires pinning their arms behind their backs.

Time to move.

"You stay here and shoot when I yell for you to," Sam whispered to Amy. "The shotgun's loaded with slugs, so don't aim for any of our guys, okay?"

She nodded, a sharp, choppy movement.

Sam made sure he had his gun and machete firmly secured to his belt, then he tightened his grip on Dean's machete and stretched out the grab the first rafter. He swung across several, working his way out to the middle of the barn, far enough that when he dropped, he'd have enough time to get to his feet before a vamp rushed him. He settled into a crouch, using his free hand to cling to an upright beam and balance himself, and focused back to the conversation.

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