Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

When I wake up the following morning feeling unbelievably well rested, there’s a ridiculously amusing smile radiating across my face. The behavior is unfamiliar and I never expected in my wildest dreams that I could feel the way I do. I roll over onto my side, snuggling deeper into my pillow and squint as I gaze through the rays of sunshine pouring through my window. I used to hate those mornings when I would wake up to sunshine and clear skies. The beautiful cloudless blue sky and sparkling sun showed no compassion towards my depressed state. They wanted me to get up and put a smile on my face before I was ready. The rain and dark grey clouds always understood me better.

I’ve been spending the last six months believing all life ever does is put up roadblocks at every turn, just waiting for me to crash and burn. But for the first time in a long time, I feel like I have been awakened from an eternal slumber, and I can finally start over again.

I can hear Gram downstairs in the kitchen, tinkering with pots and pans and making a racket. Glancing over at my alarm clock, I notice it’s later in the morning than I expected and I promptly throw back my blankets, excited to discover what this day will bring.

Sliding out of bed, I amble over to my dresser and open the top drawer. Nestled amongst mismatched socks and personal keepsakes from my childhood is a jewel toned velvet box that no longer lies empty and alone. With steady hands, I carefully open the box and it’s like magic to my eyes when I see my mother’s necklace staring back at me. I never thought it would make its way home. Holding the necklace close to my heart, I stare longingly into the mirror where I pretend to see my mother looking back at me. “I’m going to be okay,” I whisper to no one and everyone at the same time.

Replacing the necklace in its home next to mine, I quickly reach for my purple robe and slippers and float down the stairs and into the kitchen to find out what Gram is cooking up today.

“Good morning, Anna,” she says, noticing my unusually spirited entrance. Her eyes follow me closely as I smile to myself, gathering the ingredients to make cereal. “What’s with you this morning?” she asks, eyeing my suspiciously. I suppose it’s easy for people close to you to notice when you’ve gone from being continuously sad to content overnight.

“What do you mean?” I casually ask as I pour milk over my bowl of Cheerios. Maybe I should have done a better job acting a little less upbeat, but I can’t help myself.

“I don’t know,” she says, “it just looks like you’ve slept with a coat hanger in your mouth.”

I stop mid-chew, trying not to choke as I laugh a little at her unassuming comment. I level out my expression to something Gram’s more accustomed to seeing. “I thought you wanted me to try to move on with my life?” I ask, wondering why she seems so reluctant to accept my sudden change of mood. “Don’t you want me to smile again? To be happy”

Gram wipes her floured hands on her floral apron before coming over and gingerly wrapping her arms around my shoulders. “Of course I do, honey. Seeing you smiling just then brightened my heart.” She sits down on the stool next to mine and takes my hand. Sophie loiters between our feet, looking up and hoping for a treat to come her way. “You are the most important thing in my life, Anna, and I want nothing more than for you to be happy.” The look in her experienced eyes tells me she’s being both sincere and skeptical all at the same time. She wants to share something with me but can’t— won’t. No matter what I do or say, I know I won’t be able to break her down. Gram is too strong when it comes to keeping secrets and I know she’s trying to protect me from something. I just wish I knew what it was. Why can’t she tell me? “Have you been spending time with Aaden?” she asks, catching me off guard.

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