Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Although it’s still early summer, the heat in the evenings has been anything but comfortable for sleeping. I madly kick off my covers and stick out one of my legs from beneath the sheets seeking relief. It’s better, but the air is still sticky with humidity. Why is it so hot in here? Normally the light breeze that drifts through my window is enough to keep the heat at bay. Lying in the dark, I remember having locked every door and window in the house before going to bed, and once again, I let my paranoia get the best of me. I groan, opening my eyes to the dark space surrounding me, debating whether or not to drag myself out of bed to open the window. I glance over at my alarm clock, and the glowing red numbers tell me it’s just past midnight. I think of Marcie dancing the night away at prom, and I suddenly develop a twinge of pain in my stomach. I don’t regret not going to prom; it’s just that I hope I made the right decision. Now, without having anyone to catch me, I don’t want to make any mistakes.

Reaching over, I turn on the lamp and freeze with my hand still on the switch. Out of the corner of my eye, I see a dark figure move from the other side of the room. Oh my God. Quickly turning my head, I gasp and my eyes go wide and I start to scream bloody murder. There’s a man standing at the end of my bed.

“Anna, don’t,” the young man says urgently, rushing over and clasping a hand over my mouth. His expression looks almost as frightened as mine.

I don’t move. I can’t move. I’m frozen stiff with terror about the strange man kneeling beside my bed with his hand covering my mouth. My eyes are wide with fear, and my heart is working over-time.

“I told you not to be afraid, Anna,” he says in a gentle but husky voice. “I promise I won’t hurt you, Anna. Can you please calm down so I can explain why I’m here?”

How does he know my name? I search my memories endlessly for an explanation and I’m suddenly reminded of the mysterious message I discovered yesterday. Did he write that note? My breathing is still rapid and I nod my head in agreement, promising I won’t scream anymore.

“Okay.” He carefully lowers his hand, and there's a twinge of a smile growing across his face as he sits on the edge of my bed. He’s sitting on my bed!

I stare unmoving at him. Despite his kind words, something tells me not to trust this stranger. Before he has a chance to explain himself, my gut instincts take over and with all my strength, I swiftly kick him hard in the ribs and make a mad dash for the door. Behind me, I hear him groaning in response.

Before I can reach the doorknob and escape, the stranger grasps my arm tightly, his fingers digging into my flesh. I try to wriggle free, but he’s too strong. Still holding his aching ribs, he tightens his grip even more on my arm.

“What do you want with me? Why are you here?” I ask, distressed, thrashing my arm this way and that. My emotions are running wild, as I search his face for an answer, but to my surprise I’m presented with a sly smirk. He thinks this is funny. He thinks this frightening situation and my anxiety is amusing. How can he react to my terror so lightheartedly? "You're hurting me."

He immediate relaxes his grasp, giving me genuine look of apology “I'm sorry, Anna,” he says gently, “but if you’ll just come and sit with me, I’ll explain why I’m here. I’m not here to hurt you. I would never do anything to hurt you.”

I take a few deep breaths, allowing my body to calm down from the adrenaline overload. It’s pointless trying to get away. Watching me closely, he cautiously releases my arm and ushers me back to my bed where we both sit down. I don’t like him sitting on my bed. I sit back against the headboard and analyze the stranger in front of me. I guess he seems pretty harmless, but my guard remains intact. His bizarre actions don’t lead me to believe he’s a kidnapper or a murderer, but having little trust, I take this moment to memorize my perpetrator in case I need to give a statement to the police later.

Parallel Hearts (Parallel Hearts Trilogy, #1)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang