Well, maybe not so lucky, because as soon as they got the dorm key and made it to his room, they found a bloodied guy passed out onto the floor with a bunch of books around him, a box overturned.

Honestly, it looked like some shit went down and the poor dude seemed to have gotten into a fight of some sort.

But his papa just sighed and looked at him, "Welcome to college, godling."

"Oly!" Clementine, his goddess mama, scolded. "Don't just say that! W-what if that poor kid is actually hurt?"

"Well, then thank fuck this place has a nurses station."

As his parents dissolve into a flirty fight, voices blending together into a soft lavender, Jazz frowns and cautiously makes his way over to the guy on the ground.

His nose was covered in blood, and it trailed down his chin and stained his shirt-- floppy short hair went in all the directions, his face pale and eyes moving underneath closed lids.

The dude looked like he honest to god just passed the fuck out and landed onto a pile of books, that or he got hit in the head by something or someone and they didn't bother to help him.

He doesn't look too good, Jazz decided. Almost as if he were dead.


Was he alive?

Rushing over, the musician took off the book from his chest and saw how his body started to twitch-- shoulders rolling to the side and making the brunette's head hit against the floor, his hands clenching before spazzing out, an odd growling noise coming from his chest.

"Fuck," Jazz rushed forward, holding down his shoulders and pressed a hand to his head so he wouldn't hurt himself.

Was he having a seizure or something?

That's not good.

But... he was alive, at least.

Gently, Jazz shook his shoulders, making sure his head was tilted properly so that his bloody nose wouldn't make his choke, "U-um, excuse me, please wake up. I really don't know what to do here."

He went to speak again, only to cut himself off with a loud shriek when the guy just smacks his side-- still passed out and completely unexpected.

Then the guys was squinting at him, making Jazz's cheeks flush at this weird as fuck situation, before groaning loudly and reaching up to cup his nose.

"Not again," He sounded so done with life and sort of scratchy; tone deep and green. So very green-- a green Jazz didn't know how to explain besides ethereal and he's seen a lot of different greens.

Pretty voice.

Probably would have a pretty face too if it wasn't covered in so much blood and looked between a mixture of self-exhaustion and annoyance.

Welp. That's one way to be introduced to his probable roommate.

Unless this was just a random ass dude who broke into his dorm room, but Jazz doubted that as this was, for one, an expensive building and practically just an apartment building that was located on campus and, for another, they're on the fourth floor and the door was still locked when they got there.

"Not again?" Jazz frowned, watching as the boy-- man?-- tilts his head in an odd jerk, causing concern to fill him. He didn't want him to be hurt, even if they just met. "Did someone attack you? Again? What the fuck."

This guy looks, besides the blood, like a literal cinnamon roll. He had soft features, gray eyes, and nice hair despite it being so wild. His emotions were deep greens and blue hues and intense-- but they were also kind and warm, but just like his voice.

Jazz Red's AnomalyWhere stories live. Discover now