He’s wearing a black V-neck t-shirt and light washed jeans. There’s a thin black leather string hanging from around his neck leading beneath his t-shirt. His chin length brown sun kissed hair hangs in pieces framing his face, shielding part of his eyes. His lightly tanned face is complemented by smooth features and a chiseled jaw line. I guess him to be maybe a year or two older than me.

“Anna,” he starts, his hand running through his hair, revealing his idyllic green eyes. There’s something familiar about…wait. I know those eyes.

“You!” I yell, sitting up on my knees. I’ve seen those eyes before. I’ll never forget the feeling that washed over me when I looked into them. They’re the same eyes that have been haunting my dreams and the same ones that gazed right through me at the hospital the night my parents died. “Who are you?” I demand, my strength coming back in full force. “Why are you here?”

He smirks, the corner of his lips rising slightly. “If you would give me a chance, I’ll tell you.” He shifts his body towards me, and I notice the way his sculpted arm muscles contract as he moves. “By the way, for someone so quiet, you sure do scream loud,” he says in a joking tone but I don’t find it funny. How does he know I’m quiet? How does he know anything about me?

“Fine, go ahead." I pull the bed covers up to my chin, acting as a shield and he grins watching me.

“My name is Aaden. Aaden Cross and I am a Scout,” he says confidently, waiting for my reaction.

“Okay…,” I respond, a glazed look covering my face, “…I don’t know what that means.”

Aaden, snickers a little.

“What? It’s not funny!” I practically yell, my impatience getting the best of me. “How would you feel if some stranger just showed up in your room during the middle of the night?”

“I know, I’m sorry,” he says, raising his hands in apology. “It’s just that I kind of find your anger amusing.”

Who is this guy?

“Well, I’m glad you find my state of panic so entertaining,” I say, annoyed. “Will you just get on with it before I call the police?”

“With pleasure,” he says, not hiding his sarcasm. “Like I said, my name is Aaden Cross, and I’m a Scout sent here from Everly.” His expression is serious as he looks into my eyes for understanding.

I stare back at him in complete disbelief. Am I even awake right now?

“What are you talking about?” I ask completely baffled. “What’s Everly?”

Aaden’s expression eases. “Everly, is the place where you and your family are from, it’s the place their ancestors founded. It’s kind of hard to explain until you experience it, but I’ll try to keep it simple. Everly, is a place that doesn’t exist in this world.” He gestures to the space around us with his hand and I raise my eyebrows in disbelief, wondering if this guy recently escaped from the mental hospital across town. “It’s a place in an alternate universe, parallel to this one in space and time.” He stops and reads my confused expression with those mesmerizing green eyes of his. “Sorry, I know it doesn’t make any sense now, but it will. Maybe your grandmother can explain it better.”

“My grandmother?” I ask shocked. “What does Gram know about any of this?”

“Well…,”Aaden starts, “….she used to live there, along with your parents, but they left before you and Kayla were born because —”

“Wait!” I throw my hands up in frustration. “This doesn’t make any sense! How do you know about my parents? How do you know about Kayla?” Adrenaline is barreling through my body like a freight train and I can’t sit still any longer. Throwing back my bed covers, I bound out of bed and stand in the middle of the room with my arms crossed. I am so confused and the feeling is unsettling. Who is this stranger telling me about my family and where I come from?

Parallel Hearts (Parallel Hearts Trilogy, #1)Where stories live. Discover now