"Demanding much." I said while mentally rolling my eyes.

Blaine growled, his eyes narrowing on me but not wavering from his decision.

Deciding to blackmail him into thinking he had upset me, I began to look down, my eyes not meeting his as I purposely got emotional. "You can't try to control me all the time, mates are meant to be equal Blaine but you treat me like I'm below you. I have Alpha blood running through my veins just like you and I understand that you have had a difficult childhood-" I stopped talking when a pained look crossed his face and I instantly felt bad for mentioning his upbringing.

It was a sore and touchy subject to him and every pack knew the supposed story about how his father killed his mother in a frenzy of rage causing Blaine at fifteen to murder his father and take his duty of Alpha at a young age.

"I've only just found you and I don't ever want to lose you." He whispers, his voice holds anger, sadness and hurt. It pained me to see my mate hurting; I brought up memories which I know he wishes to forget.

"Blaine please, just let me do this." I whispered, he was making it difficult. I didn't want to be away from him but I needed to see my family and say goodbye.

"Please, don't make this any harder." My voice was thick as I attempted to hold back the tears welling in my eyes.

He shakes his head in refusal, before taking a few steps towards me "I can't do that." He tells me once my back hits the wall.

His close proximity made my breath hitch in my throat and my heart beat go into a crazy frenzy.

I tried to push him away as I placed my hands on his stomach, his abs felt like rocks under my fingertips making my wolf purr in appreciation and my need for him grow; I tried to fight it as much as I could.

"Blaine." I whispered pleadingly, my eyes closing gently. I felt him place his hands above my head closing me in, his breath softly fanning my face causing me to slowly open my eyes.

"You are mine, like I am yours," He said before crushing his lips to mine.

His lips felt desperate, causing my heart to hurt. I couldn't help but respond. My wolf was whimpering, fighting against the soon separation of our mate, she didn't want to leave him but I needed to push forward.

I pulled away from him not wanting to give in, knowing that if I stayed in his arms any longer I would never find the will to leave.

"I promise I will meet you at the border every day, you just need to trust that I will come back to you." I said with so much emotion leaving my voice, I just needed him to understand.

He stayed there for a moment just looking at me, as if he was assessing if I was lying or not.

A frustrated sigh left his mouth as he had a silent battle with himself. "Fine," He growled out. "But you will take two of my wolves with you and they are to stay at your side at all time." He didn't want me to leave and I could see the pleading look in his eye begging me to stay.

I nodded before walking out of the bedroom with him following closely behind, there was a lot of tension between us but I ignored it knowing it was best. I slowly made my way down the stairs to see my parents, Lena and my father's Beta and Third standing behind them at the front door.

I didn't say anything as I passed them, opening the door and heading outside. I sensed them all follow me as I exited Blaine's house with Blaine trailing behind them.

My mother gave me a questioning look, asking if I was sure I wanted to do this. I sent her a small nod before she looked to my dad's Beta silently communicating with him through their pack mind link.

Her Scarred Alpha | ✓ (Currently Rewriting)Where stories live. Discover now