"If I had known that the colour looked this good on you, maybe you would have been allowed to wear it," he grinned at me with crossed arms.

"Oh yeah?", I smirked back, challenging him. "I don't think so. That thing is sacred to you."

"Yes, I guess you're right." With a theatrical sigh, he shrugged his shoulders. "For someone who spills food like you, it would probably be fatal."

"One time! Once I soiled one of your shirts. Nothing more," I puffed insulted, but had to suppress my emerging smile. I missed these petty light conversations with him.

While he grinned down at me with a smug expression, I looked at him more closely. I hadn't seen him in everyday clothes for a long time; they looked extraordinarily good on him.

But when I took a closer look at his shirts, something occurred to me that already made the corners of my mouth twitch treacherously.

"By the way, you also look cute in your shirt."

"Oh really?", he repeated my question from before.

"Hmm. Purple suits you just fine. Wasn't that the colour of that one team where one of the players kept trying to poach you?" Out of the corner of my eye, I saw his eyes slowly widening. As if I had to think about it, I typed my index finger against my mouth. "What was his name again? Ushisama? Ushitama? Ushi- W-what are you doing there?", I interrupted myself at the spectacle that presented itself to me.

Tōru slowly pulled the shirt off his body with a petrified expression on his face, revealing his well-trained abdominal muscles.

"Hey! I was only kidding", I laughed, trying to pull his shirt back down while he tried to take it off again, which he finally succeeded in doing, leaving him topless in front of me. Smirking, I watched the still somewhat offended expression of the brown-haired. "Put your shirt back on."

"Yea, put yer shirt back on," an annoyed voice echoed behind me.

Surprised, I turned to the source of the voice. Atsumu stopped beside me with a challenging look. But his gaze was directed at his setter rival.

"What?" Tōru crossed his arms over his well-trained chest with an arrogant grin, "Are you now not only jealous of my hair, but also of my body?"

Here we go again.

Atsumu noticeably flinched next to me, probably remembering what I had told the fellow setter on the phone the other day. He was quick to recover, with a sudden grin appearing on his lips. Without warning he also pulled his shirt over his head.

What the-

"Ari." Atsumu placed himself right next to Tōru, who gave him a sceptical look. "Come on, who's more ripped?"

Oh my God.

In disbelief, both Tōru and I stared at the dual-haired setter.

"'Tsumu. Don't you have another game to play?" I asked with a blank expression.

"No, we're done," it resounded once again behind me in the same I'm-so-done-with-your-shit tone of voice as mine. I didn't have to look to the side to know that Meian was now standing next to me. "Don't you two earn well enough or why are you walking around with no shirts on?"

"HEY! HE HAS STARTED THIS," Atsumu tried to talk his way out.

"Arisa," Meian turned to me. Still holding that dead expression. I probably didn't look any different right now. God- we deserve a raise. "Please join the team. I'll take care of these two."

Physical Attraction | Sakusa KiyoomiWhere stories live. Discover now