Cuddles Escape

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"S-So we're engaged now, I guess" Izuku rubbed the back of his neck. He was standing on the balcony of the Yaoyorozu mansion with Momo. "Y-Yeah" It was awkward between the two of them, "I-I didn't expect y-you to accept actually" he said quieter than he had planned. "I-.... I didn't want to disappoint my parents and... well, my dad would probably look for someone else and the last few guys my dad introduced to me were jerks so.. I just thought that I'd like to marry you instead of some jerk that just wants my body" she admitted as she looked into the cool darkness of the night. "That makes sense" Izuku mumbled before looking up at her again. "I'll give my best to be a good husband for you" he smiled innocently, her heart started to beat faster while a blush spread across her face. 'I guess I choose right' she smiled as she followed the greenette back inside.


Momo's head shot up as she was interrupted while reminiscing the events from the night before. A loud ash blond boy stood infront of her desk, "So, heard about you and Zu.. congrats" she had never seen him be so nice "But if you hurt him in anyway, I'll fucking make sure that nobody will ever find your body" and there the nice Bakugou went away again. "Don't worry, I will take good care of him" she smiled while being slightly intimidated by the explosive boy.

At the same time in a different part of the city, Izuku Midoriya was sitting in his father's lab. He had a free period that day and wanted use it as best as he could. They were working on animals with quirks to make artificial quirks for quirkless people, of course no animal was brought to any real harm in the experiments. Izuku's newest and one of the most promising test subjects was a greenish-black spider. It was a completely unknown spider type and they couldn't tell what quirk it had only that it had one.

The young Midoriya turned around in his swivel chair. He was muttering mathematical formulas while typing on a pc. "Hey, champ!" the voice of his father made Izuku jump up from his chair and stumble backwards against the table. One thing led to another and he heard glass shatter, Izuku first looked at his dad who had an expression on his face that could be described as panic or worry. The greenette quickly rushed to the broken glass container and looked at the number on a glass shard. "Subject 75... that's Cuddles!" yes.. he had given the spider the name Cuddles. "Dad, we gotta find her!" Izuku yelled as his father while he looked everywhere for the little spider but found nothing. 

After about a hour of searching the two gave up. "Don't worry we'll still be able to finish the project without Cuddles it's just gonna take a little bit longer, I'll move the show a few months back so we have more time, okay?" Hisashi said as he sat on the floor leaned against the wall with his son next to him. "We were making so much progress because of Cuddles but now.." Izuku looked at the ground. "What if we'll never succeed?" he said softly without looking up. "We will.. one day" Hisashi replied in the same tone. Even though Mr. Midoriya didn't show it, he felt worse than his son that moment. He had never told Izuku why this experiment was so much more important to him than any other. He just wanted to make his son's dream come true, he had always loved to see heroes on TV and wanted to be one himself. But when he was diagnosed quirkless, he was heartbroken, he cried every night but after a while he decided that he would instead help heroes if he couldn't become one himself.

"Come on, buddy. Let's go home." Hisashi said as he left the room. Izuku was near tears as he looked down at his hands. And there she was. Cuddles was sitting peacefully on his right hand. He had never been that happy before in his life and was about to call his dad when he felt a sting at the place where Cuddles was. He started to get dizzy and black dots appeared in his view. He quickly looked back at his hand but the only thing left was a dead spider and a small bite mark. "N-No.. D-Dad, h-help!" he tried to shout but only a whisper escaped his mouth. The ground suddenly approached quickly before Izuku's view faded to black.


The Arrangement || Deku x Momoजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें