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I woke up and I found myself in a black room it was dark and endless by the looks of it I started crying I didn't know where I was it was just black and when I looked up it was a light but I couldn't reach it I just cried but I started walking into the blackness but then I felt something following me I looked back and it was a black figure
J- hello anybody here
?-hello child
It came closer I just stopped in my tracks
J- what do u want from me
?-I pulled u in her bc I need u to know somebody made a really big mistake and your child is the key that everyone wants to have the power ur son will grow up with
J- ok but who are u
He walked closer and it revealed an old man with a white beard white hair looked about 78 ish
?-hi I'm Alan I'm a keeper of the gate
J- what's the gate
A- the gate is a terrible place a certain place that has monsters creatures in and a person opened it and let all of them out but there after three things that can take your sons great power and that's the problem I'm here bc I'm the keeper of all evil but I'm afraid the worse monsters are out and there after him so I need you to go back to your home and go to this address and keep him there cast a protect spell from this book
There was a book in his hand he handed it to me
A- the only probably the first monster can send u back here and you will be stuck here unless people from the outside find the book I hide at that address tell nobody the info about the book just write it down and put it somewhere your husband would find it and to stop the monsters coming you need to get all three instruments thrown them In the air at the same time in fire and it will send them to heaven to your mom
J- ok I'm ready
A- remember
He then snapped his fingers and I was in my bed with machines next to me and then book still in my hand with the piece of paper with the address I quickly hide the book and paper in my bedside cabinet

Bryces POV
I woke up the next morning and Jordan was still asleep she looked so peaceful so I went up to the bathroom got ready and went to check on nick but he wasn't in his room I then went to kios room and saw him with nick I then went back to the room and I thought it's 9 o'clock so Jordan best get up I tried shaking her awake
B- Jordan wake up
B- Jordan
B- hello
B- shit
I ran to get Griffin I went to his room and knocked
G- come In
B- Griffin help I have tried to wake up Jordan but she won't wake and u know Jordan is a really light sleeper
G- ok I'm coming
He quickly got up and we ran to bedroom she hadn't moved she weren't moving
I left the room and let him do his doctor stuff
Couple of hours
I was sitting outside of the room in tears and griff has come out the room a couple times to get medical supplies but he just came out
G- Bryce she's in a critical condition it looks like she's in a coma it's up to her now
B- thanks griff
I just sat next to her for ages and jaden came in
Jd- u have to eat
B- no
Jd- Bryce she would want u to eat
B- fine only for her
Jd - only for her
We went then

After I put the book away Bryce walked in
B- baby
He ran and jumped on me
J- I'm ok babe
B- I love u
J- I love u to
We just cuddled I played with nick and we all went out for dinner we had a lot of fun but I needed to keep the info to myself for now I'll tell them later .....

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