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I woke up and went to the bathroom I had a shower then and went out to the kitchen to get some coffee i walked into the kitchen and looked at the clock it was 7 I was so tired but coffee would help also some blood but ehh I went to the coffee maker and there was a note on it

I would hand over the child if u don't I will come after u and your family also remember the time u loved me awww how sad to think u thought I had died but I want power and u know is werewolf's don't like little vamps like u but I will get u half of its the last thing I do I'm gunna get u to be mine again and that child will be the power I hold over u I will see u soon my love
Love by ur little Wolfie baby

I dropped my cup of coffee out my hand and ran upstairs with the note I went to nicks bedroom got him put his crib and went to our bedroom Bryce was on his phone i was teary eyed I gave nick to Bryce
B- what's up babe
J- he's back
I sat on the floor in the corner of the room rocking forwards and backwards
B- who's back
J- my ex
B- what's wrong with him
J- read the letter then I'll tell u
He got up put nick in the cot next to the bed and read the note
B- oh my this guy sounds like a psychopath
J- he is I thought he died
B- how
J- I haven't spoke about this or anyone but ..
He came over and kneeled in front of me
B- what happed babe
J- when I was 16 (jordan-20 Bryce-21)
J-I had a boyfriend named Aaron and one day on our 3 year anniversary we were driving to the fair that came around that year at the time on the way to the fair we umm
B- say it babe
J-on the way we went around the corner and another car was out of control and both of our cars 🚘 crashed because of the other guy I was all bloody so was he and i called the ambulance but just after the call I passed out in the burning car that was gunna go up into flames any minute but I passed out and then when I was starting to wake up I was being pushed into an ambulance but I passed out again the next time I woke up i was in a hospital bed connected to machines my grandma was next to me my dads mom and she was thanking god but I asked the doctor about Aaron and he said he had died in the crash I was crying for months they even found a engagement ring in his pocket he was gunna ask to marry me but the wedding wouldn't be till we were 18
B- I'm am so sorry baby but he's a wolf
J- I don't how he is but he wasn't when i was with him something must of happened
B- baby let's go tell the others

I told the others and they were sorry but worried of what was gunna happen to me and Nicolas but that wasn't the main priority at the moment what was is nick getting somewhere safe we are going to send nick kio ant quin to the other side of the country some where nice like Hawaii in mine and Bryces mansion there that has blood food everything for nick and then also lots of body guards also a team of Assassins to protect them while me Bryce josh jaden and Griffin are gunna find Aaron

We all planned what to do and they all packed and left on a private jet while we all locked the house up and started planning what we are going to do ......

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