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I woke up did my morning routine and got nick dressed I then went downstairs and made pancakes and fed him after I put the rest of them on the side for the boys as I ate my breakfast and cleaned up nick played with his toys as I was about to clean nicks toys up my phone dinged I picked him up and opened my phone and I got a text message of an unknown number

Who r  u
That doesn't matter I need your son and ur going to hand him over or I will come get him myself
No I will not hand him over and u don't know who u r talking to
Just know I'm coming hah

             Jordan has blocked this number

I ran upstairs with nick and ran into our room
J- Bryce
B- what babe
J- help
B- what's wrong
J- I got a text of an unknown number and he says he is coming for nick and if we don't give him to him he'll come get him himself
B- oh fuck no nobody's taking my child
B- let me see them

Bryce saw the texts and showed the boys were currently thinking of a plan
J- how about we install guards
Jo- that would be to like if the guys sees we have guards he's gunna know where inside here

We thought of a plan we are gunna pick and install guards but go to another destination so he still thinks we r inside the house
I'm downstairs packing food when I hear a knock on my window in the kitchen I look and nobody's there I shrug it off then I felt a hand over my mouth I began to breath really fast
?-tell me we're nick is
I shook my head no
?-tell me or I'll stab u
I shook my head no again
?- suit yourself
He stabbed me and he left Out the window
I slowly made it upstairs all the boys were in my room I walked in
J- h-help
B- baby
He came running to me and and I dropped into his hands I had my hand over the stab wound
B- griffin help she's been stabbed
He ran over and my eyes started to get heavy
B- stay awake
It all went black

I woke up to beeping and machines and I was in a fully white room with a chair next to my bed i tapped Bryce on the shoulder and woke him up he had red puffy eyes looks like he has been crying for hours
B- baby oh my god your okay
J- im ok and we're am I btw
B- your in our nurses room in our secret bunker that we r in
J- where's nick
B- he's with Anthony
J- good
B- what happened
J- I was just packing a food bag when I heard a knock at the window but when I checked nobody's we're there and then a hand went over my mouth they ask me where nick was and I shook my head and then he's said it again but if I didn't tell him he would stab me but I didn't want to tell him so he stabbed me then bolted out the window then I came to you and we're here now
B- babe I'm sorry
J- it's not your fault

Ily so much guys nearly 15 k

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