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I remembered something .......
I have my phone in my pocket I could ask Siri to send them a text quick
J- Siri text the group chat sway boys and say go into hiding with nick iv been kidnapped by my dad and I'm using Siri to text u go into hiding my dad wants nick don't let him have him love u see u soon

I sent the text and I managed to put my phone on scilent and no vibrating mode then I heard foot steps since I still can't see
J- who's there
D- it's dad and I'm letting u see but also I'm gunna get u to fight people and if u refuse I will hurt u so bad u won't be able to walk
J-ok ok
He took the cloth of my eyes and I was in a gray room tied to a chair he then untied me and put handcuffs on me so I couldn't run he took me to a room with lots of people that look scary
D- guys this is my daughter I had to kidnapp her because she doesn't want to tell me where my grandson is and I want to test if she's strong so you will fight them all one by one Jordan
J- fine
He uncuffed me but locked the door so I couldn't get out
J- who am I fighting
D- beca first
A beautiful Blonde girl with a black clothes and make up I took boxing lessons and stuff like that so I'll beat her she threw a punch but I dodged her and grabbed her arm twisted it and she did a backflip onto the floor
D- ok Jordan won next is drew
Dr- let's go princess
J- don't call me princess u ugly duck
He punched me in my stomach I held it then I punched him in the face he was bleeding and had cuts all over
D- Jordan won last but not least Kade he's my best fighter so
J- ok
He got my onto the floor hover over me I kneed him on the i then jumped on battered him he then got up threw a punch it hit my face my lip was bleeding and my eyes was bruised and I then kicked him against a wall and I punched him over and over again I then got pulled off him by my dad
D- ok Jordan that's enough of beating my gang members
J- if there ur band members u need new ones that can fight
I spat blood out my mouth and my dad cuffed me again unlocked the door and we went to a room with a bed and medical supplies he picked me up and sat me on the bed as he cleaned my lip
D- Jordan I didn't know I were that good
J- we'll I did take boxing and fighting lessons that u payed for btw
D- ik but every time u fought someone u failed
J- I'm I did it on purpose
D- ok but just tell me where the baby is
J- never
He then grabbed me by the neck and pushed me against a wall
D- tell me
J- no his grip got tighter to the point we're I was going blue he then let go and I gasped for air and fell to the floor still cuffed
D- I will find him
He picked me up and dragged me to a room with nothing in he took me to then back wall and put chains on my hands and legs and he gave me water
D- I'll be back
Bryces pov
I woke up to a text on group it was Jordan and when I read it I got scared I grabbed nick and woke the boys we found an underground bunker in a abondoned place and it had a house in the bunker a decorated I gave each of them rooms and me and nick shared one I was crying so much I need to find her

After he left I sat there my body needed food and water it suddenly went black again and I passed out .....

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