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A/N: I'm using google translate for the Spanish so if it's grammatically incorrect or something plz tell me.

"Vamos, vamos, vamos ... SÍ. ¡¡SUPERA ESO SAPNAP!! (Come on come on come on... YES. BEAT THAT SAPNAP!!)" I finally won bedwars against my best friend. "Yo gano. tú pierdes. (I win. You lose.)"

"Oh my god Li. Speak a language I can understand!!" He grumbles. "It's very annoying."

"Oh Sapnap I'm sorry." I laugh. "Ya que no puedes entender, ¿eso significa que puedo insultarte? (Since you can't understand me, does that mean I can insult you?)"

"I'm just going to say no..."

"Maldita sea. eres mas inteligente que yo. (Dammit. You're smarter than me.)" I mutter. "You win Sapnap."

"YES!" Sapnap yells happily. The Discord call shows that George has joined the call.

"Hey guys."

"Hola George."

"Guess what George!!" Sapnap starts excitedly. "I outsmarted LIA!!!"

"Voy a alimentar al diablo con tu carne. (I'm going to feed the devil with your flesh.)" I mutter angrily.

"Uh Sapnap I heard the Spanish word for devil. Run." George says laughing. "And hey Lia. Nice greeting."

"Ha ha ha. Very funny. What stream did you and Dream just finish?" I ask curious. "Were you trying to chop Dream's minecraft character to pieces?"

"Uhm yes I guess you could say it like that..."

"Well I just beat Sapnap at Bedwars." I state proudly.

"Really Li? You had to bring that up?" Sapnap groans.

"Mhm." I say as Dream joins the call. "Hola Dream."

"Hi Lia. Who's butt did you kick in Bedwars today?" Dream answers.

"You'll never guess." I say smugly. Sapanap groans in the background.

"You're going to hold it over my head forever aren't you?"

"I'm guessing Sapnap?" Dream deduces.

"Sí. How did running away from George go?"

"Good good. I won. As usual."

"We should let Lia try some time." George adds. "Spice it up a bit."

"Ah yes. We really want Lia crazily swearing in Spanish every time she respawns..." Dream answers drily.

"I will not!" I exclaim angrily.

"Oh really?" Sapnap retorts.







"YES!" I yell smacking my hand on my gaming desk.

"Woah. Chill." Sapnap exclaims. "It's not that I don't believe you..."

"Mhm..." I answer drily.

"Okay maybe I don't believe you just a bit."

"I'm playing in the next one." I tell them.

"Dream?" George asks.

"She can play. After all, I think our female viewers may like seeing us game with girls. We don't usually upload any videos like that on my channel." Dream states.

"Gracias." I tell Dream, as I exit the Discord call. I stretch and walk over to my coat rack. I pull on my favourite leather jacket, grab my apartment keys and exit the building to go meet my friends.


"¡LIA! ¡Finalmente llegaste! ¿Cuánto tiempo estuviste en la llamada de Discord? ¡Dijiste que estarías aquí hace diez minutos! ¡Me estoy congelando el trasero! (You finally arrived! How long were you on the Discord call? You said you'd be here ten minutes ago! I'm freezing my ass off!)"

"¡Oh por favor! Son solo diez minutos. ¡No actúes como una bebé Aliana! (Oh come on! It's only ten minutes. Don't act like a baby Aliana!)" I fire back. She rolls her eyes and glares at me. I grin and the both of us start laughing. "Entonces, ¿qué estamos haciendo ahora? (So, what're we doing now?)"

"SHOPPING!!" She yells in English.

I groan unhappily. Whenever we go shopping together I end up dying on my feet. It's not exactly fun...

"Fine." I mutter unhappily. She squeals and grabs me into a big hug. I squirm around trying to break free and Aliana starts laughing.



After a 'great' day of shopping, I am ready to go home. I walk in through my door and sit down in my gaming chair. I open Discord and see that Sapnap is active so I decide to call him to tell about what I've been thinking of the for the past few days.

"Hola Sapnap." I greet him.

"Hey Lia. What's up?"

"So I had an idea." I start.


"What if, I visited you in Texas for a week?!"

"Oh my- oh my god. OH. MY. GOD!!" Sapnap starts freaking out. "Yessssss. Yeeehehehssss YESSSSSSSSSSS." I laugh at his excitement and grin.

"I have a plane ticket for next week! So see you then!"

"Okay." We disconnect from the call and I log into Twitter.

Flying out to see @Sapnap in Texas. excitement
Volando para ver @Sapnap en Texas. excitación
20k ❤️ 10k🔃  2k💬

I smile and turn off my phone. It's getting late out so I turn off the lights, and fall onto my bed, instantly falling asleep. I'm so excited to see Sapnap. Even if I won't show it.

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