[Name] the Annoyed Vampire

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A/N As a side note, this is disconnected from the first chapter.

'Vampires. Blood sucking hunters of the night. Sinful creatures that attract all.'

''What a load of bullshit,'' you sighed, looking at yourself in the mirror.

Your greasy hair hung messily over your eyes and stuck up every which way. Your felt sticky due to warm summer nights, your crumpled tunic clinging to your body. Yawning, you scratched your head, dirt gathering under your fingernails. By lord did you want this mission over with and get a decent wash.

After a quick comb through using your fingers, you tied the string from your wrist around your [h/c] locks. With that, you pulled on your loose pants and tied the draw string before pulling on your boots. Though it may be obvious your gender was female, dressing like a guy was easier. More so in your particular line of work.

Vampire you might be but it didn't stop you from hunting them; ones that fall into insanity that is. Many people don't realise they're two types of vampires, hunters included considering your companions were none the wiser till you informed them. Of course, you could split them up into more categories but Zack didn't tend understand things past laymen terms.

Stretching till your back cracked, you then picked up your burlap rucksack. It was the heaviest out of the three bags since the weight didn't impede your movement or tire you out. The fact you was female didn't account to anything in your group. You didn't always carry the bag with the smaller weapons and other equipment though, it was a 'privilage' you earned through trust.

After checking nothing was left in your shared room, you made your way downstairs where the smell of freshly baked bread from the baker next door wafted into the tavern below. It was positively sickening. All human food was sickening to you now; much unlike the innkeeper who had cut his hand. Now that smell was divine.

A sharp whistle cut the air yet the chatter remained undisturbed, "[Name]."

''Sephiroth and what I believe to be Zack,'' you said, eyeing the black haired young man as he pressed his face into the table.

The silver haired man didn't spare him a glance as he continued to read his book. Somehow, despite the greasy hair and crumpled dark tunic, he still looked remotely dignified. Though you figured no one dared say otherwise due to the gleaming 7ft long katana he uses called Masamune resting against the table along with Zack's broad sword. All you really knew was that it was from the east where his homeland laid.

Zack on the other hand looked as though he was about to die due to a hangover from the alcohol he got from flirting with the innkeeper's daughter. By the smell of it, they did a little more than just drink. You homed in on the girl, looking for the slight tears in skin to get a reading of her body. You closed your eyes and focused...


"Don't worry, she's not pregnant."

''S'pice to moe,'' he slurred, giving you a wonky thumbs up.

"Get better control over yourself Zack, might help you in the long run,'' the elder man commented.

''S'mah life, ill do wah I wan,'' Zack replied, managing to push himself up into a sitting position.

''Shall I cure your hangover?'' you grinned, not one to pass up a free meal.

Unfocused blue eyes snapped to you, ''I thought you was a vegetarian."

"Wow, your sober now,'' you said dully.

"Vampires do that to you."

''She did cure your hangover though,'' Sephiroth commented.

[Name] the Friendly Vampire~! }{KH/FF}{Where stories live. Discover now