[Name] the Wistful Vampire

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A/N been a while, I suppose I'm focusing more on college and cosplay now, but I'm not giving up my stories. just keep expecting my random updates.

"So any idea on how far we are from the village?" Zack asked after you had all got a fair distance from that town.

"My estimate is that we will get there by nightfall at this pace," Sephiroth answered.


"Don't tell me your scared? And here I thought you was a warrior."

"Hey! Vampires are stronger at night, especially the sane ones."

"A warrior fights till the end."

"I know that. Damn, your drive can be overwhelming."

"It's because of where your from isn't it?" you asked.

"It is a samurai's honour," the man muttered wistfully. "Though even though I'm now considered a ronin, I still intend to live by that principle."

"What's a ronin?" the younger asked.

"A samurai without a master to serve," you answered.

"Seems like a strict place."

"But it's beautiful. Maybe one day you'll get to see."

"Nah, if I go travelling, I won't fulfil my dream of being a hero. I got a fan club back home you know," he beamed.

You giggled, content knowing your partners hadn't lost their drive despite everything.

"And what about you?'' the silverette asked. "You never did tell us your drive [Name]."

"I already told you, it gives me freedom from my Sire as hunting feral Vampires is something sane Vampires do."

"Do you really hate the guy that much?" Zack asked.

"Hard to answer. He's never really been bad to me, it's just... It's hard to explain."

"We have till nightfall," Sephiroth commented.

"Take a hint."

"Nope," Zack grinned, nudging you.

You huffed, but it was something you had put off. And it's not like you could say anything you wasn't supposed to.

"It's to protect. My drive is to protect."

You looked at your companions, both seemed to have an inkling at what you meant but it was still hazy to both of them.

"By still being dependant on my Sire instead of fully moving on from my fledgling state, he's happy and my family is protected."

"Family? Wait, how could you have family? Human family I mean?"

"The descendant's of my younger brother and sister. Believe it or not, Vampires are extremely careful on who they turn. Turn too many, and humans will die out and Vampires will no longer have a food source. Therefore, in every single family in the world, only one member is allowed to be turned no matter how many members there are. That family can also not be harvested, technically. It's not like every Vampire follows the rules. When the Vampire of that family dies, it's another 100 years till a member can be turned."

"An effective system, but how do you know who is what?"

"It's to do with a person's blood. I never really understood it, but you kinda' have this sense. Zack is actually safe from turning, but if you fight a Vampire or offer them a meal, your safety goes out the window. You on the other hand could be turned Sephiroth."

"Your not gonna' turn him are you?" Zack gulped.

"I'm still dependant on my Sire, therefore a fledgling. I can't turn him."

"Well, that's good I suppose, but just how long does being a fledgling last? I mean you did kinda' say you was over 70."

"Doesn't have a limit. The only reason you stop being a fledgling is to gain freedom of yourself really. Some Vampires can get out of that phase quickly due to their psyche, or if the Sire is a weak Vampire. If both the Sire and fledgling are on the same level, they either struggle so much the bond collapses or the Sire may just let them go. If my Sire suddenly told me to go back to him, I'd have no choice."

"Then why are you still a fledgling?" the youngest frowned.

"It's easier in a sense. My Sire's stronger by having a fledgling, while me and my family have a little more protection. Plus he tricked me before he turned me. I didn't know my family would get automatic protection so I agreed. I felt the need to owe him, he did save them from a feral pack after all."

"So in some sense you mimic your Sire by fighting feral Vampires," the older man commented.

"I guess I do. I could have had a worse Sire in all honesty."

"Wow, I guess you should always be careful. Did you fight back when you found out he tricked you?" Zack asked.

"Not really. I was pissed off sure, but I did agree in the end. I've thought him over other reasons and almost collapsed the bond once. But that's over reasons I can't share."

"And here I though living in the slums was hard, I guess it's not just a life of luxury and free pickings," Zack commented.

"My life as a human was easier, and I lived in bad times. But I had my younger siblings so I was happy. It was tough at first, being a Vampire. But he... Genesis has always looked after me.''

A/N Okay, short update but I don't really want these chapter to be long. I hope this makes everyone a little happier.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2015 ⏰

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