Jack the hunter

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One day, in the winter of 1872. There was a small village in the North of England. It was the night, the cold wind of December was freezing and the full moon was bright in the sky. Everyone was sleeping when suddenly a frigtening howl and cries of pain from a little girl woke up the village. The villagers, were afraid and went to see Jack, the hunter. Right away, Jack took a lamp, his shotgun and ran into the forest, his eyes wide open. Arrived in front of the wood entry, it was surprisingly quiet. The screams had stopped and we could only hear the cries from the poor parents of the missing daughter.

In all his life, Jack had never heard such a howl. Even though he felt extremely anxious, he continued his way...

He walked, out of breath, between the trees. He could hear his heart beating and his body was aching because of the fear. All of a sudden, the enormous silhouette of the creature appeared right in front of him !

The moonlight allowed him to see his long and sharp claws, the creature was standing on his back legs. The terrified hunter could not stir a limb. Face to face with the were-wolf, he looked at his bright red eyes. The beast was ready to jump onto him!
In a quick movement the creature bite the poor man. Jack, the hunter who tried to save a poor little girl, was lying on the floor in the middle of the woods. While the beast was running away, he opened his eyes and looked at the full moon shining on him...
A few minutes later, he felt a weird change in him like he was not himself anymore, but mostly he felt this very strong hate inside of his soul. He stood up on his wolf's legs and looked in the direction of the village with evil eyes and an extreme anger...

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2020 ⏰

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