tutor |part 3 finale|

Start from the beginning

I don't care. I just want to protect Gou.

How could he hurt such a precious soul?


We sat in silence as Gou opened the first aid kit and began taking out what he needed.

He had dragged me after I had punched Paul. He grabbed my hand and ran out with me being dragged behind. I hadn't noticed until we stopped running - actually I hadn't noticed at all. It was Gou who looked at my hand that he had holding in his and noticed the blood.

He dragged me to a nearby park and made me sit on a bench while he went to a convenience store. Minutes later he came back with a plastic bag and a first aid kit in hand.

"I asked the lady there if they had one since their band-aids are out of stock." He said and sat beside me. He handed me an apple juice and got to work.

It was quiet. I didn't say a word and just savoured the moment in Gou's touch. It was over too soon.

Gou gently put my hand down and leaned back, putting the stuff back into the small kit.

I frowned behind the juice box at the loss of contact and just stared straight ahead at the empty swings.

The silence just grew. I wanted to ask him about the bruises and Paul, but my mouth couldn't move to make a sound.

"Ahem...Um.... Thanks."

I turned to look at the boy beside me. He was looking at his hands that were fidgeting on his lap.

I couldn't help smiling. He looked cute no matter what he was doing.

"It's no problem." I replied and turned my attention back to the swings. I was afraid I'd pounce on him if I stared any longer.

"Um... Paul is a...friend.." He trailed off. His eyes widened when he met my curious gaze. "I-I mean an old f-friend! We were friends but now we're not!" He stammered nervously, looking away.

"Good to see you're not making excuses for your bully."

Gou's head snapped towards me. I was taken aback but kept my face neutral. "He's not a bully!"

"The whole school begs to differ."

"No! He doesn't hurt anyone unless they do something to them!" He said defensively. It hurt me to see that he was making excuses for the person who had just mercilessly shoved him few hours ago.

"Is that so?" I questioned and turned my body to face him. "Than tell me Gou. What did you do to him to make you hurt you?" I stared straight into his deep blue eyes. They shone with innocence.

"...I don't know." His eyes glistened as tears started to trail down the corners. "He used to tutor me but when I started to do good in school, he started hitting me." He began to break into sobs.

I furrowed my brows and cupped his face, bringing him to face me. My heart ached at the sight of his saddened face. I wiped his tears with my thumb and hugged him.

"Is he the one that caused those bruises on your body?" I felt his head nod on my chest. I sighed loudly, feeling frustrated as Gou sobbed into my shirt.

We sat there till Gou finally calmed down and pulled away. I looked at him, wiping the stray tears that ran down his cheeks.

Gou let out a shaky laugh, making me look at him curiously. "You know, I thought you were some kind of angel cause whenever I was with you, Paul would never bother me. But when I stopped tutoring you, I guess my luck ran out." He chuckled bitterly.

"I... don't mind being with you."


"I mean!" I bit my lip. I really am about to do this.

At this moment I just want Gou to know I want to be there for him. I want him to feel safe and know that I'll always be around.

"I like you, Gou." I professed. My heartbeat seemed louder then usual. My ears could only hear their frantic beats.


"I want you to know I'll always be here if you need me! I know this is random but I feel like you should know so you can understand my actions!" Arceus I want to disappear right now. I'm not ready hear the rejection.

"Idiot. You didn't have to tell me your feelings to justify your actions."

I looked at him. Gou's eyes glistened with mischief.

"Besides...let's say to some extent, I was aware of your feelings."

"Huh?!" I gasped. Did Gary tell him!?

Gou chuckled, "Ash, you're not the most subtle person. I'm sure anyone could see it."

I slapped my warm face and turned away from the giggling boy. I was embarrassed but my heart was somehow at ease.

"That's so embarrassing!" I groaned. "But I'm not ashamed to say it!"

Screw embarrassment!

I looked at Gou and grabbed his shoulders, taking him by surprise. "I like you okay! You're so damn cute and I love everything you do that it hurts so much that I can't do anything about it! It kills me having to think what Paul has been doing to you and I won't hesitate to punch anyone who ever hurts you again! I-"

"Okay, okay." Gou laughed and pat my hands. He smiled and looked me in the eyes. "I get it Ketchum, calm down." He took my hands off his shoulder and held it in his.

"I like you too." He whispered. My eyes widened at his sudden confession.

"I initially had no interest in you but ever since I started tutoring you, I paid more attention to you without knowing. It scared me so much when all I could think about was you and how happy I was to meet you. I thought if I ignored you, everything would go back to normal and you wouldn't take up my thoughts as much." He smiled weakly. "I guess I was wrong."

I smiled at him and squeezed his hands. "I don't want you to be scared anymore. Of anyone or anything."

Gou nodded, "Ash...can I kiss you?"

I blinked in shock. "I mean...you don't have to ask. It would've been a pleasant surprise for me if you did it without telling me-"

Gou pressed his lips on mine.

I smiled through the kiss and gladly kissed him back.


"Ayo Ketchum! And the guy Ketchum likes, how's it going?" Gary grinned as he sat down with Misty opposite of Gou and I.

Gou blushed when he heard what Gary had said while I grinned.

Misty nudged her boyfriend when she heard what he said and they exchanged looks before Gary turned back to face us with a panicked look.

"I-I-" He began but I cut him off.

"Save it, idiot. We're dating." I said calmly and watched as their faces changed, two different reactions.




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